At its meeting on 6th December, Falkirk Council's Executive will consider an update on the Strategic Property Review (SPR). The report sets out actions which would continue to deliver on the approved objectives and principles set out in our Property Strategy and help the Council to make savings towards a projected £69m budget gap.
The report proposes a phased approach to the review and rationalisation of the Council’s property assets. It recommends Elected Members agree the phased closure of certain properties in principle, and that this is followed by community engagement and consultation linked to those properties. A further report in February would present an update to Elected Members on the findings of this engagement for final decision.
We currently have a number of employees delivering services which operate from properties which might be affected. If the proposals are agreed, further work would be done to review how the changes may impact on employees and to ensure that appropriate consultation is undertaken with trade unions and employees. We expect that there will be new opportunities for some people, although it is acknowledged there is likely to be an overall reduced need for some roles.
Our priority would be to work with trade unions and affected employees to implement any reductions or changes through voluntary means. This could include, for example, offering voluntary severance and seeking alternative roles within the Council. Trade unions have been briefed in advance on the proposals within the report.
We appreciate that this may be a worrying time for some employees. Should you have any queries, please speak to your manager in the first instance. We will continue to update you with new information as frequently as possible to support you during this period of potential change.