Naming ceremony

Arrange a naming ceremony

You can book your baby naming ceremony and pay the deposit online.

Ways to pay:

  • Cheques should be made payable to Falkirk Council
  • Debit/Credit Card: please contact 01324 506580 to make a payment.
  • You can also apply online and make the payment via My Falkirk.
Apply for a Marriage, Civil Partnership or Naming ceremony

What is a Baby Naming Ceremony?

Ceremonies can be held for newborn babies or children of any age. It is a special way of celebrating and welcoming an arrival into the family. It is an opportunity to declare, before family and friends your promises to your child and share your hopes and dreams for their future. Friends, family, Grandparents and siblings can take part too by making promises to the child, share readings or stories. It is a unique occasion for everyone to feel involved and to offer their support in your child's future development.

If you book a Naming Ceremony with us you will have the opportunity to meet with the Ceremony Officer who will advise on all the options for your ceremony and will tailor the ceremony just for you.

The options for your ceremony are limited only by your imagination. The content is very flexible and can include readings, family stories, personal wishes or promises. Ceremonies can also include special touches like candle lighting, bubble releases or tree planting.

Our suggested naming day readings document more information:

Suggested naming day readings
Word Document, 36.22 KB

No. The ceremonies are purely ceremonial and are simply something that you, as parents, choose to do as a public gesture of love and commitment to your child. The ceremony will be a happy and informal occasion to welcome your new family member.

Where are the Ceremonies held?

The ceremony can be held:

  • within the ceremony room at Old Burgh Buildings, Falkirk
  • within any other agreed place within the Falkirk Council area eg at home, venue function room, in the garden or local hall.

How much will it cost?

When Fee
Monday to Friday £198
Saturday £275
Sunday £275
Public Holiday £275

There is a concession available to those on means-tested income-related state benefits.

£100 deposit (non-refundable) is payable on booking a Baby Naming Ceremony.

How long does the ceremony last?

This will depend on the number of elements you wish to include. However, we recommend you allow about 30 minutes.