SG13 accompanying documents

Derivation of SG13 Pupil Product Ratios 2018
application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet, 19.14 KB
School Roll Projections Summary
application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet, 11.35 KB

Statement of Publicity and Consultation

When adopting Supplementary Guidance, the Council has a statutory requirement to produce a Statement of Publicity on Supplementary Guidance which sets out the publicity measures we have undertaken, the comments we received and an explanation of how these comments were taken into account.

List of LDP2 Supplementary Guidance

Placemaking and Design

Ref Title Scope Consultation
SG01 Development in the Countryside Guidance on the interpretation of policies on housing and business development in the countryside. Design guidance on new buildings in the countryside. Adopted
SG02 Neighbourhood Design Guidance on the design of new neighbourhoods, interpreting the principles of 'Designing Streets' for the local area. Adopted
SG03 Residential Extension and Alterations Guidance on the design of extensions and alterations to residential properties. Adopted
SG04 Shopfronts Guidance on the design of shopfronts in new buildings and the repair, alteration and replacement of shopfronts in existing buildings. Adopted
SG05 Green Infrastructure and New Development Guidance and standards on the provision of green infrastructure in new development including open space, landscaping, habitat creation, surface water management and active travel routes. Adopted


Ref Title Scope Consultation
SG06 Affordable Housing Guidance on how affordable housing requirements for private sites should be addressed. Adopted

Natural Environment

Ref Title Scope Consultation
SG07 Biodiversity and Development Guidance on integrating biodiversity considerations in the design process and techniques for protection and enhancement of biodiversity in new development, and mitigation and compensation of impacts. Adopted
SG08 Local Nature Conservation and Geodiversity Sites Explanation of the process for selecting and designating local sites, and a full list of sites with supporting detailed maps and information. Adopted
SG09 Landscape Character Assessment and Landscape Designations Guidance on landscape considerations for development in each of the local landscape character areas. Guidance on the Local Landscape Areas and National and Local Designed Landscapes. Adopted
SG10 Trees and Development Guidance on the safeguarding of trees which may be affected by development including pre-planning procedures and surveys, protection of trees at design and construction phases, and design and maintenance issues. Adopted

Historic Environment

Ref Title Scope Consultation
SG11 Frontiers of the Roman Empire (Antonine Wall) World Heritage Sites Guidance on the safeguarding of the Antonine Wall WHS where it may be affected by development, including direct physical impacts on archaeology and impacts on setting. Adopted
SG12 Listed Buildings and Unlisted Properties in Conservation Areas Guidance on the repair, extension, alteration and demolition of listed buildings and unlisted properties in conservation areas. Adopted

Infrastructure and Energy

Ref Title Scope Consultation
SG13 Developer Contributions Guidance on the circumstances in which contributions will be sought from development for different types of infrastructure, including, where appropriate, contribution rates. Adopted
SG14 Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Guidance on the various renewable technologies and planning issues which need to be addressed for each technology. Guidance on the incorporation of low and zero carbon generating technology (LZCGT) in new development. Information on opportunities for, and consideration of heat networks in new development. Adopted