Falkirk’s 5000 private landlords and letting agents in the local area can find out more about cash incentive schemes to improve their property and get money off new boilers and other energy efficiency measures.
A free event is being held at Falkirk Town Hall on Thursday 6 June between 6:30pm and 8:30pm and is open to any private landlord where they can quiz experts on how to access improvement funding from The Scottish Government and other sources.
Landlords can also find out about the new Tenant Information Pack that is required to be issued to all new tenants from 1st May 2013 – if landlords fail to do so, they could face a £500 fine.
There is also the potential for landlords to tap into an interest free loan of up to £10,000 for empty homes subject to certain conditions.
The ‘matchmaker’ scheme run by Falkirk Council will be discussed also and it aims to introduce empty home owners who are looking to sell with people looking to buy an empty property.
A range of other issues will also be covered including the Council’s Private Sector Leasing and Deposit Guarantee Schemes as well as the now mandatory National Tenancy Deposit Schemes.
You can book a place by telephoning Falkirk Council’s private sector team on 01324 590797 (option 2) or email