420 people across the Falkirk Council area have taken part in the first year of the Fair Start employability programme run by Falkirk Council.
Celebrating its first anniversary on Wednesday 3 April 2019, Fair Start has helped participants who are experiencing barriers to getting into employment a broad range of support is available and participants have found new opportunities in both volunteering and employment in a number of different areas. These include hospitality, construction, retail, administration, marketing, IT, childcare and social care.
The programme is voluntary and aims to develop new skills for work helping participants to find a suitable job through a regular programme of support and also building on existing skills participants may already have.
The service does not affect existing benefits for those taking part. The service also provides specific support for disabled job seekers and those with health conditions. A positive partnership with Forth Valley NHS and local third sector organisations ensures a variety of support options are available to meet individual needs.
Experienced advisers work closely with participants supporting them through the journey towards employment which continues in-work for those who want it. Support is tailored to each individual’s circumstances and is governed by four key values of equality, dignity, respect and fairness.
Some examples of local employers who participate in the scheme include MacDonald Hotels, Marshall Construction, Falkirk Council, NHS Forth Valley and Impact Solutions.
Councillor Cecil Meiklejohn, Leader of Falkirk Council said: “The Fair Start programme has helped hundreds of individuals boost their confidence and believe that they can now progress towards finding a job, something that previously seemed unachievable.
“One year down the line we see people who had many barriers when it came to finding work in a far better position, their health and well being has improved and they are actively participating in a journey towards employment, the work of the local team, their partners and the employers involved in helping to achieve this is to be highly commended.
“If you think you could benefit from this service visit our website our website and find out how we can help you.”
To be eligible applicants must be:
- Living in the Forth Valley area and be eligible to work in the UK
- Over 18 and out of work in receipt of Employment and Support Allowance or Universal Credit
- 16 or 17 and are disabled
For more information visit our Fairstart page or contact 0800 028 0363 or email fairstartforthvalley@falkirk.gov.uk. You can also speak to your work coach or Advisor at Job Centre Plus or Skills Development Scotland