Header image for article 7382

Council house rents and a range of options to improve existing homes and the provision of additional homes will be considered by elected members at the Councill meeting on Thursday, 23 February. 

No decision will be made on any of the recommendation made within the reports until the day of the meeting.  You can watch the meeting live from 10am on 23 February.

Housing Revenue Account & Council House Rents 

This report asks members to approve the Housing Revenue Budget for 2023-24 and sets out rent options for consideration.    

Housing Investment Programme 

This report sets out proposals to invest £39.9 million on improvements to around 8,500 Council homes in 2023/24.  

£28.5m will be spent on re-roofing, kitchen and bathroom upgrades and a replacement programme for doors and windows. £8m has been earmarked to continue the ongoing programme of heating system upgrades to c1,100 Council homes and to install more cost effective and efficient heating systems for tenants in off-gas areas.  

£3m could also be spent on estate improvements for fencing, wall and path upgrades. 

Over the next five years a further 555 new affordable social housing could be built costing £27m. 

The Housing Investment Programme and Housing Revenue Account are entirely separate from the Council’s other budgets and revenue raised by rents and grants can only be reinvested in housing programmes and no other aspect of Council services.