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Falkirk Council is preparing for a new Local Development Plan, and local people can now give their opinions.

We’re looking for people living in the Falkirk area’s towns, villages and communities to give their views in a survey that takes around 20 minutes.

Consultations are open until 30 June 2023.

Take the survey: Tell Us About Your Place – Falkirk Local Development Plan 3

What is the Local Development Plan?

The Local Development Plan (LDP) is a set of strategies, policies and proposals that will guide growth and change in Falkirk's communities for years to come. 

Simply put, it guides the use and development of land within an area, and how our places should be designed. 

It will indicate where new development should or should not take place, what infrastructure is needed to support growth, and how our environment and greenspace can be improved.

The local development plan covers many topics, including housing, business, town centres, greenspace, transport, community infrastructure and the historic and natural environment.

Because it has a wide scope, it’s important that as many local people as possible give their opinions in the surveys.

What’s in the survey?

You’ll be asked to select a place to give your opinion on.

The LDP3 survey asks you to rate your chosen place against fourteen themes (example shown below) using a numbered scale.

Results from the survey will be analysed to highlight themes in the place that are in need of improvement and where it’s doing well. 

Your views are important, and help us gather the evidence to understand the issues and aspirations for the future development and use of land in your community and across the Falkirk Council area.

Evidence Report

The first stage in the process is to gather information about the area which will help us prepare an Evidence Report on which to base the new development plan. 

To help us with this, we need people who live or work in the Falkirk Council area to complete this survey and tell us about their places. 

Children and Young People

There are separate surveys for children and young people to give us their views:

How long will it take?

The survey should take around 20 minutes. You can save your answers and return to where you left off.