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Grangemouth Golf Club is on the verge of a new chapter.  At a meeting of the Council’s Executive today (28 November), Councillors approved recommendations for the golf course, clubhouse, and associated buildings be leased to the Club for the next five years with a view to a future move towards full ownership through Community Asset Transfer.

Terminating the current licence and entering into a new community benefit lease agreement at a nominal rent of £1 per annum, and with all maintenance equipment transferred to the Club will sustain the golf course’s operations and empower the club to shape its own future.

Councillor Paul Garner, spokesperson for Economic Development said: “In line with our commitment to building stronger and healthier communities, the transition to a new community benefit lease agreement is a pivotal step forward for Grangemouth Golf Club and signifies our dedication to empowering the Club to shape its own future. The transfer of maintenance equipment will help sustain the Club’s operational capabilities and service within the community.”