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An ambitious new 10-year draft management plan for Callendar Park which sets out the future management, maintenance and improvement priorities for the park will be discussed at the Executive meeting on 22 August 2024.

The Callendar Park Management Plan 2024-2034 would contribute to a number of the Council’s priorities of supporting stronger and healthier communities and promote opportunities and educational attainment and reduce inequalities.

Callendar Park, a popular destination for visitors, boasts a wide range of recreational facilities and walking routes. The draft plan outlines six key management aims and outcomes to be achieved over the next decade:

  • Enhance sense of arrival in the park
  • Enhance sense of place within the park
  • Improve park infrastructure
  • Enhance the park's value to nature and climate change priorities
  • Increase visits and activity provision
  • Increase community engagement

The plan’s emphasis is to ensure the park is fit for purpose by safeguarding key assets, such as the B- listed stable block, improving activity provisions, and repurposing the old Par 3 course and pedalo pier area at the west end of the loch. Additionally, it aims to enhance accessibility through infrastructure improvements while protecting the park's unique cultural heritage.

Consultation with stakeholders and local communities took place from December 2023 to January 2024 and the draft plan reflects feedback from the 415 responses with 75% of participants agreeing that the proposed vision was appropriate for guiding the park's future development.

Despite funding limitations, the draft plan sets out a need to identify alternative revenue generating opportunities and to continue to attract external funding to invest in this popular recreational and leisure destination.

The plan presents a clear vision and objectives for the park's management and enhancement over the next 10 years. It includes an action plan that prioritises key actions for Falkirk Council officers and stakeholders to evaluate on an annual basis, providing a framework for the park's development through partnerships.

Michael McGuinness, Head of Growth, Planning, Sport & Culture said:

“The draft 10-year plan identifies the significant steps towards a sustainable future for Callendar Park, benefiting both our community and visitors alike. By focusing on key areas such as infrastructure improvements and community engagement, we aim to enhance the park's value and accessibility, ensuring it remains a vibrant and attractive destination for years to come.”