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You're invited to give feedback on the proposals for new sport and leisure facilities in Bo'ness, Denny, and the Braes, with surveys now live on Falkirk Council's engagement platform, Participate+.

Earlier this year, the council approved a new approach to sport and leisure provision that will see major investment in new facilities in the three locations:

  • Bo’ness: £3.5m will be invested in a new community sport and leisure wing at Bo’ness Academy.
  • Braes: new facilities will either be built in the grounds of Braes High School or as an extension to the school.
  • Denny: new facilities will either be built in Denny Town Centre or at Denny High School.

Have your say

The surveys – one for each proposal - provide individuals, community groups and sports organisations with the opportunity to review designs and artist’s impressions before answering a series of questions about the proposals.

Feedback will be a key part of the decision-making process, alongside budgetary and logistical considerations, and will be incorporated into future reports to the Executive.

In-person events

In addition to the surveys, a series of in-person events have been organised to provide you with an opportunity to discuss the proposals directly with council officers.

Bo’ness event took place on 11 September in Bo’ness Academy with over 40 people attending. For those living in or near the Braes and Denny, the in-person events take place as follows:

  • Braes: Wednesday, 25 September, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM, Braes High School.
  • Denny: Wednesday, 2 October, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM, Denny High School.

To participate in the surveys, visit Participate+ and share your feedback now.

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