Citizenship ceremonies

This notice provides details of what information we collect from you, what we do with it, and who it might be shared with.

Frequently asked questions

Why do we collect this information?

The information is being collected for the following purpose:

  1. To arrange and deliver a citizenship ceremony

The legal basis for each purpose is set out below:

Legal basis Purpose
Performance of a contract  
Legal obligation 1
Vital interests  
Task carried out in the public interest 1
Legitimate interests  

The Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002 requires all applicants, aged 18 or over, for naturalisation or registration as a British citizen to take a citizenship oath and pledge at a citizenship ceremony conducted by a Registrar.

Attending a citizenship ceremony is the final step in the process of becoming a British citizen. The ceremony helps applicants gain a full understanding of the rights and responsibilities that come with British citizenship. It also makes sure the applicant is properly welcomed into the community.

What information do we collect about you?

We collect your name, gender and contact details (which may be a postal address and phone numbers). We also collect your certificate of naturalisation, picture, date of birth / place and country of birth.

Where do we collect information from?

You must apply to the Home Office if you wish to become a British Citizen. Once you are accepted for naturalisation as a British Citizen, you are required by law to take part in a citizenship ceremony. The Home Office passes your information to your local registration office in order for them to arrange and deliver a citizenship ceremony. We may take a photograph of you at your ceremony.

Who might we share your information with?

We share your name, nationality and Council ward of residence with elected members and the Lord Lieutenant of Stirling and Falkirk prior to your citizenship ceremony.

The Council has a duty to protect public funds. We may check your information within the Council for verification purposes and/or for the prevention of fraud. We may share your information with other organisations where we are required to do so for the purposes of the prevention or detection of crime.

Will we send your information outwith the UK?

We do not transfer your information outwith the UK.

How long do we keep hold of your information?

We keep your information as long as required by law or by our business requirements. We have a Business Classification Scheme in place which sets out the types of records we hold, and how long we hold them - you can access the relevant part of the scheme below.

PDF, 60.06 KB

Do I have to provide my personal data to you?

If you want to make an information request, we need to know your name and contact details and, for data protection requests, information to check your identity.

Do you use any automated processes to make decisions about me?

We do not use automated decision making processes to deal with information requests.

This notice was last updated in May 2018.