ASL schools

Carrongrange High School

After moving into a new purpose-built accommodation in 2017, at Carrongrange High School we are confident that we offer you and your child some of the best facilities of any school in Scotland. However, a school is much more than a building. What is more important is the quality of relationships between adults and young people that exist within the building and we know that we have a school in which our young people are happy and in which they can develop, learn and succeed.

The staff team are determined to create the best conditions for learning that we can. We believe that it is the achievements in our classrooms and in our extra-curricular activities; the relationships that are forged between our teachers and our pupils; the strength of our curriculum; the integrated partnership support that we can give to our pupils and our developing links with the local community that have earned us the reputation of being a hard-working, committed and caring school.

We set high standards in Carrongrange High School and any child who comes into school determined to do his or her best will be given every support we can offer. In turn, they will leave with a sense of personal achievement and an understanding that they have contributed to the success of their school. We value the quality of our school life very highly. Every young person who joins us benefits from it. Pupils are referred to Carrongrange High School by their primary school: some may come from other authorities. Parents/Carers are welcome to contact the school and visit, and/or find out more by looking on our school website. If you think your child would benefit from the support offered by Carrongrange School, please speak to your child's primary school in the first instance.

Carrongrange HS Handbook
Word Document, 9.63 MB
Ms Janine Proudlock
Head Teacher
Carrongrange High School
Oxgang Road