Gaelic Language Plan

Gaelic is an important part of Scotland's heritage, national identity and current cultural life. To preserve Gaelic language and culture, all councils in Scotland must have a Gaelic Language Plan.

Our Gaelic Language Plan aims to:

  • Enhance the status of Gaelic
  • Promote learning of Gaelic
  • Encourage increased use of Gaelic
Gaelic Language Plan
Word Document, 3.44 MB

Local Gaelic Organisations

Our plan is supported by local and national Gaelic organisations. There are 5 organisations in the Falkirk Council area who offer classes and workshops to develop, preserve and promote Gaelic language and culture.

An Clas Gàidhlig Falkirk

An Clas Gàidhlig Falkirk offers weekly Gaelic Language classes for adults. Beginner and intermediate classes are available. For more details, please email

An Clas Gàidhlig Falkirk

An Comunn Gàidhealach (Falkirk branch)

The Falkirk branch of An Comunn Gàidhealach is part of the national organisation which organises the Royal National Mod.

To find out more, please visit the An Comunn Gàidhealach website.

Fèis Fhoirt

Fèis Fhoirt runs weekly classes and events to raise awareness of Gaelic through the use of music. They hold weekly classes where children and adult can learn how to play a musical instrument and traditional Gaelic songs. These classes are called fèis which is the Gaelic for festival.

For more information, please visit Fèis Fhoirt.

The Falkirk Gaelic Forum was set up after the Royal National Mod was held in Falkirk in 2008. The forum helps to raise awareness of Gaelic and promote its use. If you would like more information, please email.

Falkirk Gaelic Forum

The Falkirk Junior Gaelic Choir is open to all 7-18 year olds who live in the Falkirk Council area. The choir is a great opportunity to learn a new language, meet new friends and attend choir competitions through the year. Classes are held in Denny High School every Thursday evening (7:00pm-8:30pm). For more information, please contact choir secretary Mairi MacDonald by emailing:

Falkirk Junior Gaelic Choir

Gaelic Education

We offer Gaelic learning in our schools as part of the Gaelic for Learners in the Primary School (GLPS) programme. The GLPS programme gives pupils the opportunity to learn the language and understand the Gaelic culture.

There are no Gaelic medium schools in the Falkirk Council area. Pupils who would like to be taught primarily in Gaelic are transported to schools in other council areas.

Currently we have pupils attending Condorrat Primary School, Riverside Primary School, Greenfaulds High School and Wallace High School.