There are 8 projects seeking funding in Lower Braes, as well as 4 Falkirk-wide projects .
Place-Based Capital Projects
Laurieston Bowling Club
Tables and chairs
Amount requested: £6,192
We would like to replace the tables and chairs in our free-to-hire clubhouse with more durable products as our current tables are scratched and becoming increasingly unstable; and our current chairs are showing signs of wear and tear after years of constant use. This will benefit members, local residents and community groups who wish to hire our function suite and/or lounge for a social, sporting or cultural event.
Polmont Bowling Club
WC upgrade, roof, electrics and garden.
Amount requested: £30,000
We celebrate our 150 Anniversary in April 2024 and plan to upgrade certain areas is in place throughout club.
The principal areas for funding are our toilet facilities which require a general upgrade, including Respotex walls, tiles, driers, ventilation and sanitary units and heaters.
It's important we meet these objectives to enhance a feel-good factor for members and visitors and other community groups within club.
Our facilities are open to all groups and has a social section and is a meeting place for elderly and provides low exercise through bowls. This club provides great support for people's mental health and generates a feeling they are part of the Braes community.
Our club lets its facilities to many in the whole Braes community through births weddings, funerals the whole life cycle.
Toilet areas will commence soon after if any funding is granted and will be completed by June 2024.
Reddingmuirhead Community Hall
Improving the insulation in the Hall.
Amount requested: £8,230.45
The installation of a suspended ceiling with insulation and LED light panels to the main hall, kitchen and inner hallway.
These measures will reduce energy consumption and make the hall a much greener building.
The installation of LED light panels as well as saving energy and better lighting will require less maintenance than the current fluorescent tube lighting which requires a scaffold tower to change them.
These improvements will give an annual saving of £985 and 2.2 tonnes of CO2.
These figures are produced by Business Energy Scotland.
It is vital that we reduce the current energy consumption to reduce the future energy bills so that the hall can remain a focal centre for the community for generations to come and keep this historic building.
Barony Players (Falkirk-wide project)
Raising the Roof on The Barony Theatre.
Amount requested: £51,012.22
The Barony Theatre is a unique community theatre venue in Bo'ness; open and accessible to all in the Falkirk Council area and beyond. It is home to our adult company of Players, our Youth Theatre, and the Secret Cinema. We also attract touring professional theatre companies, host ghost hunting groups, hire out the theatre to other professional or community groups, hold Open Days and participate in the Hippfest Silent Film Festival.
In order to continue and expand our programme of community involvement, we need a building which is wind and watertight to protect the Victorian interior and technical equipment and provide a comfortable environment for all our users.
We will use the grant to replace 2 sections of the roof which are beyond repair and causing damage to the interior. We anticipate the work will take 6 months and be completed for our 70th Anniversary celebrations in June 2024.
Falkirk Football Community Foundation (Falkirk-wide project)
Electric van.
Amount requested: £43,348.99
Falkirk Football Community Foundation's vision is to be a leading provider of sport, health, education, and employability activities to children, young people, and adults in our community.
The Falkirk Foundation works with local and national partners to provide innovative initiatives that engage people across all age groups and backgrounds. We are extremely proud of our partner relationships that are the heartbeat of the community.
The community's wellbeing is integral to our work and tackling deep-rooted issues is of utmost importance.
We hope to purchase an electric van to deliver our projects in different locations in the Falkirk Community. These projects range from football delivery, employability, mental health and first aid. The vehicle will be used to help with our winter campaign where we deliver food hampers, warm clothing and toys to those that need them over the winter.
The purchase will help in the Foundations goal of becoming carbon neutral.
Falkirk Fury Basketball (Falkirk-wide project)
Transport assistance to basketball programme.
Amount requested: £50,720
Falkirk Fury Basketball Club works in schools and organisation all across the Falkirk Council area. Having our own minibus will reduce the number of parents and players cars on the road, thus helping cut carbon emissions.
It will also allow the club to deliver sessions more easily, transport players/coaches to games and assist schools and organisations where transport is an issue. We would use the bus to transport our players - 16 teams - to games which are played all over Scotland. Many of our players do not have transport and a minibus would be of tremendous benefit in solving these issues.
Falkirk Junior Bike Club (Falkirk-wide project)
Public Access Defibrillators at cycling hubs.
Amount requested: £6,920
Early access to a defibrillator can vastly improve the chance of survival. As a club, we coach in many locations in Falkirk that are currently some distance from a defibrillator, and we are conscious that if someone was to suffer a cardiac arrest it could take some time to get access to a defib. Each of these locations is also used by many other groups who promote sport and physical activity, as well as many other members of the community, so this project has the potential to offer life saving support for many.
We would like to make these accessible in 3 different locations:
- Callendar Park
- Callendar Estate Activity Centre Camp
- Zetland Park
And a 4th one to ensure we have a portable one for any events and community sessions we run. We would appreciate if you could see the impact this will create and a safer community for all.
Friends of Forth Valley First Responders (Falkirk-wide project)
Installation of Public Access Defibrillators (PADs).
Amount requested: £32,290
The project would look to place Public Access Defibrillators across the Falkirk Council area.
Fourteen sites have been identified with a further four requiring new cabinets. A contingency would be included as with previous installations, extra ones came forward but could not be accommodated.
Every year the Scottish Ambulance Service (SAS) responds to around 200 people in Falkirk who have a sudden, unexpected out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA). Only 10% of these people survive.
Survival would be greatly increased if PADs were used. In the event of an OHCA within range of a PAD, the public would be directed to it by Ambulance Control after calling 999. They would also be given instructions to enable them to use the PAD prior to arrival of the Emergency Services.
We would also offer the community sessions to learn CPR and how to use of a PAD.
Small Grants
Laurieston Bowling Club
Television, laptop and printer for community venue.
Amount requested: £1,500
We would like to install a 75 inch television on a wall-mounted bracket, and a 14 inch laptop and printer, in our free-to-hire clubhouse. This will enable community groups to conduct meetings and deliver presentations; and local residents to access the internet and host a variety of social and fundraising events such as karaoke, race nights, bingo and quizzes.
Polmont Bowling Club
Polmont "Green" Bowling Club
Amount requested: £5,000
We would utilise current area to produce low maintenance bio diverse garden and also create memorial garden as a further feature.
Removal of existing evergreen bushes and shrubs on boundary wall and dig out existing weeds and terram area to negate further growth, Apply chips / bark dressings to cover area to produce low maintenance area. Design a planting area with bio-diversity and sustainability as its main feature. Produce a floral display that will enhance ground and allow bumblebees and butterflies to pollinate to their heart's content. Treat and varnish existing benches. We have completed work on a memorial area in the centre of our gardens so that members and families can pay their respects to passed members. By digging out and laying sleepers and covering the area with slate chips the work has laid a foundation for the next stages. Families at their own cost will be able to pot their own plants within that area and have a small memorial plaque by its side.
Polmont Community Council
Polmont-Building for the future
Amount requested: £4,166
We are continuing on our Village Transformation. As I write this we are finalising plans for our 2nd Christmas Light event which we are adding to on top of our other successes this year including Best Small Town trophy and Silver Gilt award at Scotland in Bloom 2023.
Going forward we want to put another side on our new noticeboard. We thought when we fitted it eight A4 sides would be enough but we were proved very wrong.
We also would like to get a portable stage which could also be used by other community groups as well. It would allow us to have our Christmas and Spring events on a proper stage and associated equipment ie skirting, steps etc.
If we managed to bring it under budget we would use the remains to grow our Christmas event further. This is a major event for all the Braes villages as it's the only event like it and we welcome everybody from the surrounding areas.
Redding and Westquarter Community Project
Westquarter Young Yins
Amount requested: £5,000
This project targets young people aged 11-15 years, providing a safe space to come together to take part in various activities, targeting physical and mental health as well as further learning in a positive environment. Allowing them space to be young, enjoy each others company while making and sustaining positive relationships with their peers. They will be empowered to try new things, make positive choices, provide peer support and feel able to face new challenges. With no bus service after 6pm it provides a lifeline to young people.
16th Laurieston Scout Group
Acoustic Ceiling – Project
Amount requested: £5,000
The 16th Laurieston Scout Group will install acoustic ceiling panels in their scout hall. This will enable the organisation to address the hall's current acoustic problem and provide an improved hall environment for all hall users especially those with auditory processing difficulties - such as in understanding speech when there is a lot of background noise, finding it hard to listen with many people talking at the same time, and focusing on verbal instructions.
The acoustic ceiling panels will help to better absorb the noise, allowing the scout group to extend their activities and will also benefit members of other Scout Groups, Destination Judo and other community groups who use the hall.
A secondary benefit will be an increase in insulation of the hall ceiling.
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