Education benefits and support

FAQs: Clothing Grants

Frequently asked questions

How much is the Clothing Grant award?

The Clothing Grant award is:

  • £125.00 per Primary School child
  • £155.00 per Secondary School child

Only one award can be paid for each child within each school year.

How is Clothing Grant paid?

For new applicants, Clothing Grants will be paid into your chosen bank account, or by cheque if requested.

For 'roll forward' applicants, Clothing Grant awards will be automatically paid into the bank account most recently provided.

If your bank details have recently changed, you should notify us of this as soon as possible by completing the Request to change your bank details for Clothing Grant payments form.

How do I update my bank details?

If you need to update your bank details, you should do so as soon as possible using the form below:

When will I be paid?

Payments will normally be made within 10 days of receiving your award notice.

We aim to have all applications assessed and awards made before the school term begins in August where possible, or within 28 days of receiving all the information we need to make a decision.