
Calling in sick

How you should let us know you're not coming in to work

Your responsibilities

It is important that all employees read and understand the calling in sick booklet. You have a number of responsibilities in relation to calling in sick including

  • attending work unless unfit to do so,
  • advising your manager of any illness which affects your ability to attend work or to carry out the duties of your post to a satisfactory level and
  • reporting absence promptly to your manager and ensuring that the appropriate certification is provided.
Calling in sick procedures
A Guide to the Sickness Absence Procedures for all Employees
PDF, 114.92 KB

It is not acceptable to ask someone else to call in sick for you or send a text message or email.

Day 1

Phone your manager as soon as possible but within an hour of your agreed start time. If you work shifts, or jobshare, call as soon as you become aware that you are unfit for work. If your manager is unavailable, you must leave a message, along with a telephone number so that they can ring you back.

When you make contact you should explain briefly what is wrong, and give some indication of how long you expect to be absent.

If your absence continues, keep your manager informed. If, for example, you have suggested that you might be off 2 days, and on the third day you are still unfit then you should phone in.

Day 4

If you are still unable to come to work, you must phone your manager/nominated contact again.

Day 7

If you are still unfit for work on day 7, you are expected to call on day 7 to let your manager know (or first thing on day 8 if day 7 is not a work day).