This page will be used to consult with you on changes to HR and Health & Safety policies. We review policies on a scheduled basis and following the consultation these will be referred to the Council's Partnership Forum and then to the Executive for approval.

Feedback on consultations will also be displayed in our previous consultations section.

Open consultations

There is currently one policy out for consultation, and we would appreciate if you could take some time to complete the survey and provide feedback. The survey is open until 28 July 2024.

Please take the time to read the policy changes, complete the surveys, and share with your colleagues.

  1. Table of contents

Job Evaluation Policy

The Job Evaluation Policy has been reformatted so that there is now one main policy document and 3 How To Documents:

  • How to Prepare for a Job Evaluation (for managers)
  • How to Participate in a Job Evaluation (for employees)
  • How to Appeal a Job Evaluation (for employees)

All of the policy documents have been reviewed to ensure that plain language is used. The main changes to the policy are in relation to backdating (changing from the date the evaluation is approved at the job evaluation group to the date that the responsibilities of the post changed) and re-evaluation in the appeals process (TU rep to be involved in the re-evaluation and re-evaluated posts will be referred back to the appeal panel instead of the job evaluation group).

Please see link below to survey: