After your homeless assessment
Our Housing Needs Assessment Officer will carry out your homeless assessment, and make sure you have a housing application registered with us. You should start bidding for homes on Homespot even before you have received the decision on your homeless application.
If the outcome of the assessment is that you are found to be homeless, your housing application will be updated to a Band 1 Home Seeker.
You will only be made one offer of accommodation for a permanent tenancy. If you refuse this offer, we might be unable to assist further. You will also need to leave your temporary accommodation.
If you have not made any bids on advertised properties for more than 3 months, you will be directly matched to the next available property. This means we will make you an offer of a property without you bidding, and this will be considered your one offer of accommodation.
If you are found not to be homeless, or intentionally homeless, then your application banding will not change. Further information on Allocations can be found in our Allocation FAQs.
If you do not agree with your assessment decision, believe your temporary accommodation is unsuitable or if you have been offered secure/permanent accommodation and do not wish to proceed, you have a legal right to a review.
If you have any further questions, contact us: