Bo'ness Academy is a non-denominational, fully comprehensive 6 year school serving the town of Bo'ness, the village of Blackness, and the surrounding area.

We receive pupils from:

Contact us

Mrs Catriona Reid
Head Teacher

Bus timetables

Champany - Bo'ness Academy (service 134)

The under 22 pass can be used on this service but due to capacity limits on the bus, Falkirk Council does not guarantee U22 pass users a place for either morning or afternoon journeys. U22 passes can only be used where there are spare seats available.

Only pupils entitled to free home to school transport, who have a Falkirk Council School Bus Pass are guaranteed a place each way on the school bus.


Route Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Champany 8:05am 8:05am 8:05am 8:05am 8:05am
Cauldcoats road end 8:06am 8:06am 8:06am 8:06am 8:06am
Mannerston 8:07am 8:07am 8:07am 8:07am 8:07am
Blackness Village 8:10am 8:10am 8:10am 8:10am 8:10am
Muirhouses 8:18am 8:18am 8:18am 8:18am 8:18am
Bo'ness Academy 8:25am 8:25am 8:25am 8:25am 8:25am


Route Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Bo'ness Academy 2:50pm 3:40pm 2:50pm 3:40pm 2:50pm
Muirhouses 2:56pm 3:47pm 2:56pm 3:47pm 2:56pm
Champany 3:00pm 3:55pm 3:00pm 3:55pm 3:00pm
Cauldcoats 3:02pm 3:56pm 3:02pm 3:56pm 3:02pm
Mannerston 3:03pm 3:58pm 3:03pm 3:58pm 3:03pm
Blackness Village 3:05pm 4:00pm 3:05pm 4:00pm 3:05pm

Bus service operated by Prentice Westwood 01506 871231.

Jamieson Avenue - Bo'ness Academy (service 661)

The under 22 pass can be used on this service but due to capacity limits on the bus, Falkirk Council does not guarantee U22 pass users a place for either morning or afternoon journeys. U22 passes can only be used where there are spare seats available.

Only pupils entitled to free home to school transport, who have a Falkirk Council School Bus Pass are guaranteed a place each way on the school bus.


Route Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Jamieson Avenue 8:20am 8:20am 8:20am 8:20am 8:20am
Bo'mains Terminus 8:23am 8:23am 8:23am 8:23am 8:23am
Liddle Drive road end 8:30am 8:30am 8:30am 8:30am 8:30am
Borrowstoun Road 8:33am 8:33am 8:33am 8:33am 8:33am
Bo'ness Academy 8:35am 8:35am 8:35am 8:35am 8:35am


Route Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Bo'ness Academy 2:50pm 3:40pm 2:50pm 3:40pm 2:50pm
Borrowstoun Road 2:52pm 3:42pm 2:52pm 3:42pm 2:52pm
Jamieson Avenue 2:55pm 3:45pm 2:55pm 3:45pm 2:55pm
Bo'mains Terminus 3:00pm 3:50pm 3:00pm 3:50pm 3:00pm
Liddle Drive 3:02pm 3:52pm 3:02pm 3:52pm 3:02pm

Bus service operated by Adamson Minicoaches 01506 510607.

See also