Denny High School is a non-denominational, fully comprehensive 6 year school situated in Denny, which is approximately 6 miles from Falkirk.

We receive pupils from:


Denny High School has a wide range of facilities: a 20 metre swimming pool, games hall, dance studio, gym hall, all weather playing fields.

These facilities are available for community use outwith school hours.

Contact us

Mr Paul Dunn
Head Teacher

Bus timetables

Allandale - Denny High School (service 170)

The under 22 pass can be used on this service but due to capacity limits on the bus, Falkirk Council does not guarantee U22 pass users a place for either morning or afternoon journeys. U22 passes can only be used where there are spare seats available.

Only pupils entitled to free home to school transport, who have a Falkirk Council School Bus Pass are guaranteed a place each way on the school bus.


Route Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Castlecary Fort 8:05am 8:05am 8:05am 8:05am 8:05am
Allandale 8:06am 8:06am 8:06am 8:06am 8:06am
Greenhill Road 8:10am 8:10am 8:10am 8:10am 8:10am
Reilly Road 8:12am 8:12am 8:12am 8:12am 8:12am
Broomhill Road 8:15am 8:15am 8:15am 8:15am 8:15am
Denny High School 8:25am 8:25am 8:25am 8:25am 8:25am


Route Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Denny High School 2:55pm 3:45pm 2:55pm 3:45pm 2:55pm
Broomhill Road 3:05pm 3:55pm 3:05pm 3:55pm 3:05pm
Reilly Road 3:08pm 3:58pm 3:08pm 3:58pm 3:08pm
Greenhill Road 3:10pm 4:00pm 3:10pm 4:00pm 3:10pm
Allandale 3:15pm 4:05pm 3:15pm 4:05pm 3:15pm

Bus service operated by Bryans Coaches 01324 824146.

Banknock (Coneypark) - Denny High School (service 617)

The under 22 pass can be used on this service but due to capacity limits on the bus, Falkirk Council does not guarantee U22 pass users a place for either morning or afternoon journeys. U22 passes can only be used where there are spare seats available.

Only pupils entitled to free home to school transport, who have a Falkirk Council School Bus Pass are guaranteed a place each way on the school bus.


Route Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Kilsyth Road at Coneypark 8:05am 8:05am 8:05am 8:05am 8:05am
Banknock (Bog Road) 8:08am 8:08am 8:08am 8:08am 8:08am
Longcroft 8:11am 8:11am 8:11am 8:11am 8:11am
Dennyloanhead 8:15am 8:15am 8:15am 8:15am 8:15am
Nethermains Road 8:21am 8:21am 8:21am 8:21am 8:21am
Denny High School 8:30am 8:30am 8:30am 8:30am 8:30am


Route Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Denny High School 2:55pm 3:45pm 2:55pm 3:45pm 2:55pm
Nethermains Road 3:08pm 3:58pm 3:08pm 3:58pm 3:08pm
Dennyloanhead 3:12pm 4:02pm 3:12pm 4:02pm 3:12pm
Longcroft 3:16pm 4:06pm 3:16pm 4:06pm 3:16pm
Banknock (Kilsyth Road) 3:20pm 4:10pm 3:20pm 4:10pm 3:20pm
Kilsyth Road at Coneypark 3:24pm 4:14pm 3:24pm 4:14pm 3:24pm

Bus service operated by McGill's 01324 602200.

Banknock - Denny High School (service 619)

The under 22 pass can be used on this service but due to capacity limits on the bus, Falkirk Council does not guarantee U22 pass users a place for either morning or afternoon journeys. U22 passes can only be used where there are spare seats available.

Only pupils entitled to free home to school transport, who have a Falkirk Council School Bus Pass are guaranteed a place each way on the school bus.


Route Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Banknock (Bog Road) 8:09am 8:09am 8:09am 8:09am 8:09am
Longcroft 8:12am 8:12am 8:12am 8:12am 8:12am
Dennyloanhead 8:16am 8:16am 8:16am 8:16am 8:16am
Glasgow Road 8:22am 8:22am 8:22am 8:22am 8:22am
Denny High School 8:30am 8:30am 8:30am 8:30am 8:30am


Route Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Denny High School 2:55pm 3:45pm 2:55pm 3:45pm 2:55pm
Glasgow Road 3:03pm 3:53pm 3:03pm 3:53pm 3:03pm
Dennyloanhead 3:09pm 3:59pm 3:09pm 3:59pm 3:09pm
Longcroft 3:13pm 4:03pm 3:13pm 4:03pm 3:13pm
Banknock (Kilsyth Road) 3:20pm 4:10pm 3:20pm 4:10pm 3:20pm

Bus service operated by E & M Horsburgh 01506 432251.

Bonnybridge (Gateside) - Denny High School (service 611)

The under 22 pass can be used on this service but due to capacity limits on the bus, Falkirk Council does not guarantee U22 pass users a place for either morning or afternoon journeys. U22 passes can only be used where there are spare seats available.

Only pupils entitled to free home to school transport, who have a Falkirk Council School Bus Pass are guaranteed a place each way on the school bus.


Route Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Thornton Avenue 8:10am 8:10am 8:10am 8:10am 8:10am
Gateside Avenue 8:11am 8:11am 8:11am 8:11am 8:11am
Bonnybridge Toll 8:15am 8:15am 8:15am 8:15am 8:15am
Denny High School 8:30am 8:30am 8:30am 8:30am 8:30am


Route Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Denny High School 2:55pm 3:45pm 2:55pm 3:45pm 2:55pm
Bonnybridge Toll 3:05pm 3:55pm 3:05pm 3:55pm 3:05pm
Thornton Avenue 3:09pm 3:59pm 3:09pm 3:59pm 3:09pm
Gateside Avenue 3:10pm 4:00pm 3:10pm 4:00pm 3:10pm

Bus service operated by E & M Horsburgh 01506 432251.

Bonnybridge - Denny High School (service 612, 613 & 614)

The under 22 pass can be used on this service but due to capacity limits on the bus, Falkirk Council does not guarantee U22 pass users a place for either morning or afternoon journeys. U22 passes can only be used where there are spare seats available.

Only pupils entitled to free home to school transport, who have a Falkirk Council School Bus Pass are guaranteed a place each way on the school bus.


Route Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Bonnybridge Road 8:15am 8:15am 8:15am 8:15am 8:15am
Bonnybridge (Larbert Road) 8:20am 8:20am 8:20am 8:20am 8:20am
Denny High School 8:30am 8:30am 8:30am 8:30am 8:30am


Route Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Denny High School 2:55pm 3:45pm 2:55pm 3:45pm 2:55pm
Bonnybridge (Larbert Road) 3:02pm 3:52pm 3:02pm 3:52pm 3:02pm
Bonnybridge Road 3:07pm 3:57pm 3:07pm 3:57pm 3:07pm

Bus service operated by McGill's 01324 602200.

Greenhill - Denny High School (service 169)

The under 22 pass can be used on this service but due to capacity limits on the bus, Falkirk Council does not guarantee U22 pass users a place for either morning or afternoon journeys. U22 passes can only be used where there are spare seats available.

Only pupils entitled to free home to school transport, who have a Falkirk Council School Bus Pass are guaranteed a place each way on the school bus.


Route Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Greenhill Road 8:10am 8:10am 8:10am 8:10am 8:10am
Reilly Road 8:12am 8:12am 8:12am 8:12am 8:12am
Broomhill Road 8:15am 8:15am 8:15am 8:15am 8:15am
Denny High School 8:25am 8:25am 8:25am 8:25am 8:25am


Route Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Denny High School 2:55pm 3:45pm 2:55pm 3:45pm 2:55pm
Broomhill Road 3:05pm 3:55pm 3:05pm 3:55pm 3:05pm
Reilly Road 3:09pm 3:59pm 3:09pm 3:59pm 3:09pm
Greenhill Road 3:10pm 4:00pm 3:10pm 4:00pm 3:10pm

Bus service operated by Bryans Coaches 01324 824146.

Haggs - Denny High School (service 618)

The under 22 pass can be used on this service but due to capacity limits on the bus, Falkirk Council does not guarantee U22 pass users a place for either morning or afternoon journeys. U22 passes can only be used where there are spare seats available.

Only pupils entitled to free home to school transport, who have a Falkirk Council School Bus Pass are guaranteed a place each way on the school bus.


Route Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Haggs (Kilsyth Road) 8:10am 8:10am 8:10am 8:10am 8:10am
Longcroft 8:12am 8:12am 8:12am 8:12am 8:12am
Dennyloanhead 8:16am 8:16am 8:16am 8:16am 8:16am
Glasgow Road 8:22am 8:22am 8:22am 8:22am 8:22am
Denny High School 8:30am 8:30am 8:30am 8:30am 8:30am


Route Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Denny High School 2:55pm 3:45pm 2:55pm 3:45pm 2:55pm
Glasgow Road 3:03pm 3:53pm 3:03pm 3:53pm 3:03pm
Dennyloanhead 3:09pm 3:59pm 3:09pm 3:59pm 3:09pm
Longcroft 3:13pm 4:03pm 3:13pm 4:03pm 3:13pm
Haggs  (Kilsyth Road) 3:15pm 4:05pm 3:15pm 4:05pm 3:15pm

Bus service operated by McGill's 01324 602200.

High Bonnybridge - Denny High School (service 171)

The under 22 pass can be used on this service but due to capacity limits on the bus, Falkirk Council does not guarantee U22 pass users a place for either morning or afternoon journeys. U22 passes can only be used where there are spare seats available.

Only pupils entitled to free home to school transport, who have a Falkirk Council School Bus Pass are guaranteed a place each way on the school bus.


Route Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Reilly Road 8:15am 8:15am 8:15am 8:15am 8:15am
Broomhill Road 8:18am 8:18am 8:18am 8:18am 8:18am
Denny High School 8:30am 8:30am 8:30am 8:30am 8:30am


Route Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Denny High School 2:55pm 3:45pm 2:55pm 3:45pm 2:55pm
Broomhill Road 3:08pm 3:58pm 3:08pm 3:58pm 3:08pm
Reilly Road 3:11pm 4:01pm 3:11pm 4:01pm 3:11pm

Bus service operated by Bryans Coaches 01324 824146.

See also

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