Getting it Right for Every Child (GIRFEC) is the Scottish Government's approach to improve children's services. The wellbeing of all children and young people is at the heart of GIRFEC. Services must work together with children, young people and their families to provide quick and effective support when it is needed.

Falkirk Integrated Children's Services Plan

Falkirk's Children and Young People's Strategic Leadership Group is a multi-agency strategic group that has shared responsibility for the joint planning of Children's Services. This group is also responsible for producing Falkirk's Children and Young People's Integrated Children's Services Plan and our Children's Rights Plan. Provision of these duties is detailed within the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014.

Our plan identifies 6 priority themes based on Falkirk's Joint Strategic Needs Assessment that has informed the key areas for action for our children, young people, and their families.

For greatest impact, we have focused on priority themes where joint action and delivery is needed. These are the areas which have the clearest potential to improve outcomes and make positive changes. The 6 priority themes are:

  • The Promise Implementation
  • Children's Rights and Engagement
  • Young People’s Employability
  • Mental Health & Wellbeing
  • Workforce Learning and Development

We have been working hard to improve our engagement with young people in children's planning and have developed new approaches to make sure children and young people's voices are heard and included.

Integrated Children's Services Plan Annual Report 2022-2023
Falkirk Integrated Children’s Services Plan 2021-23
Integrated Children's Services Plan 2023-2026
Integrated Children's Services Plan 2017-2020
Children's Rights Report 2020-2023
Children's Rights Report 2017-2020


Every child and young person will have a Named Person to make sure their wellbeing is promoted.

Wellbeing is described by 8 indicators (sometimes called SHANARRI):

  • Safe
  • Healthy
  • Achieving
  • Nurtured
  • Active
  • Respected
  • Responsible
  • Included

Who is my named person?

Your named person can help if you are a child or young person worried about your wellbeing, or a parent worried about your child / young person's wellbeing.

Stage of child/young person Named person
Pre-birth until starts school or 5 years old Health Visitor
Primary/Secondary age Headteacher / Depute Headteacher / Guidance Teacher / Pastoral Teacher

Child's Plan

The Child's Plan is a tool that has been developed for practitioners to assist in assessment and planning to meet children and young people's needs.

Based on the GIRFEC national practice model, The Child’s Plan is based on improving outcomes for children and young people, embedding the principles of GIRFEC in service delivery and planning. This approach should be child-centred, where assessments are carried out "with" the child and family and not "to" the child and family.

If you work with children, young people and families and require any Child’s Plan documents, please contact:

Children's Services

Children's Rights

We want to work with young people in Falkirk to make sure you know your rights and so you can be Involved in plans to make things better for young people and their families.

How can you get involved?