We're putting the challenge to Falkirk Council High Schools to reduce their energy usage.

The competition will run from 01 October 2024 to 31 March 2025. The aim is to reduce energy use month by month when compared to last year.

Energy use will be measured from:

  • Gas
  • Electricity

This will help reduce emissions from schools and make sure we're doing our bit for climate change. It's also a great leadership opportunity for students and helps reduce running costs of schools!

  1. Table of contents


  • 1st place - £2,000
  • 2nd place - £1,000
  • 3rd place - £500

There will be additional prizes for innovative ideas and the best digital awareness campaign!

School's must demonstrate student involvement in the planned spending of prize money.

Why is this important?


The average high school in Falkirk uses 2,517,846 kWh of gas per year. That equals about 460 tonnes of CO2.

If we could reduce electricity use in each school by 5%, we'd save 230 tonnes of CO2 emissions – the same as 11,000 trees! With that figure, we'd also reduce gas bills by £74,460 per year across all high schools!


The average school in Falkirk uses 780,671 kWh per year in electricity. That equals 162 tonnes of CO2.

If we could reduce electricity use in each school by 5%, we'd save 81 tonnes of CO2 emissions – the equivalent of the annual emissions of 112 cars! With that figure, we'd also reduce electricity bills by £124,071 per year across all high schools!

Info for teachers

We have a range of guidance and support available for teachers and support adults for the challenge. Take a look on our Learning for Sustainability site.

Sign up/contact us

Head teachers have been contacted to sign up to the challenge. Speak to your head teacher to find out whether your school is onboard.

If you have any questions, email us at climatechange@falkirk.gov.uk.

Data reports for schools

Check back on the 15th of each month to see your school's monthly energy use compared to the previous year.

You can also see your school's data in much more detail with hourly usage. Contact us at climatechange@falkirk.gov.uk so we can set up your access to the platform with this info.