Copies of asset transfer requests and any documents/information accompanying the request will be made available here until the request process is complete. Any representation made about the request will also be made available.

In order to comply with data protection requirements, any personal information will be redacted from these documents before they are published.

The asset transfer requests listed will show the date of submission and the asset they relates to. Each request will also show the dates of the representation consultation period (20 working days). All representations received will be copied to the community transfer body for their comments, and will then be published.

You can make a representation during the consultation period by email to or by letter to the address below.

Please note if you submit representation during a consultation period you may be contacted at a future date if an asset transfer request appeal/review is submitted by the Community Transfer Body. By submitting representations you are agreeing to this.

Notice of Request

Sunnyside Pavilion