Every school is encouraged to offer a range of extracurricular clubs and activities.
These clubs and activities are usually available for pupils during lunchtime and
after school.
In addition to in-school activities, classes also make regular educational visits
and field study trips. These visits are usually linked to the work pupils are doing
in class.
We can provide some financial and administrative support for leagues, competitions,
festivals and similar events. We, Falkirk
Community Trust and other partner organisations
may also organise and run events which many schools take part in. Support for events
from parents and the community is much appreciated.
All activities are supervised by members of staff and many schools have a study
support co-ordinator who plans and runs the extracurricular programme of activities.
If children are required to travel or stay late after school, written permission
from parents must be given.
You can find out about these school clubs and extracurricular activities on the
school website, in the school handbook or by asking staff at your child's school.