Fleet driver information

The following information and guidance is to assist Falkirk Council drivers; keeping all drivers up to date with legislation, Falkirk Council Policy and best practice.

Driving at Work Policy

Falkirk Council drivers should familiarise themselves with the Driving at Work Policy and Code of Conduct for driving on Council business.

Fleet bulletins

Relevant information will be communicated to drivers through Fleet Bulletins. Drivers should check regularly for updates.

Bridge strikes
PDF, 633.28 KB
Mobile phone use
PDF, 250.97 KB

Health and Safety

Dalgrain Depot traffic management plan

Dalgrain Depot traffic management plan

Pool vehicle booking

Falkirk Council has a new system for accessing pool cars.

How to make a pool vehicle booking has more information.

The booking system can be accessed through the Driver Portal which incorporates a licence check that all staff will need to complete.

Staff should be aware of the Councils Travel Hierarchy detailed in the Driving at Work Policy and make use of pool vehicles prior to using their own vehicle.

Tool Box Talks