Redeployment Policy
We recognise that employees are our most important asset and that on occasion redeployment may be considered as an option to help support a particular situation. This is a positive measure to enable us to retain skills, experience and knowledge within the workforce.
Redeployment does not guarantee alternative employment. It provides a mechanism for employees who have been registered for redeployment to have the opportunity to be considered for other suitable posts within the Council.
Redeployment is available to existing employees. Modern Apprentices have a separate redeployment process which is co-ordinated by the Employment Training Unit. However, whilst there is a separate process for Modern Apprentices, Falkirk Council employees take priority for consideration of posts.
Employees who are in the redeployment process are encouraged to give consideration to the Social Care Re-training Programme as an option for alternative employment. The guidance for this is currently under development. Interest should be noted with the HR Helpdesk.
Identifying the need for redeployment↑
Redeployment can be considered for a number of reasons, including:
All potential redeployment cases must be discussed with the relevant HR Business Partner before an employee is registered for redeployment.
Where a manager needs to register an employee for redeployment, they should follow the guidance in How to start redeployment.
Health related capability
Where a recommendation from Occupational Health (OH) advises that redeployment should be considered on health grounds. This covers both long and short term absences. It may also relate to situations where OH recommend that an employee be temporarily redeployed to help them return to work. In these situations the Manager should determine if this can be accommodated by alternative duties or reasonable adjustment within the workplace or whether formal redeployment is more suitable.
Performance related capability
Where an employee has been unable to achieve the required standards or qualifications necessary for their post, redeployment can be considered as part of the formal stages of the Capability Policy.
Change management/restructuring
The changing needs of the Council may affect staffing requirements and where appropriate, redeployment should be considered.
End of temporary posts
In certain circumstances it may be appropriate for redeployment to be considered for temporary employees with 2 or more years service, in line with the Temporary Employment Policy.
Discipline, Grievance or Dignity at Work
Redeployment can be considered where this is a recommendation of a hearing or appeal or where an employee is unable to remain in their substantive post.
Redeployment process↑
The redeployment process is a self-serve model primarily led by the employee and their line manager with support and guidance from Human Resources.
Guidance for employees, substantive and recruiting managers is covered in the redeployment "How to" guides:
Additional guidance for recruiting managers in respect to shortlisting applications from redeployment candidates is covered in the How to shortlist for interview.
Redeployment period↑
An employee can be in the redeployment process for a maximum of 12 weeks. Employees are encouraged to check myjobscotland on a daily basis during their time in the redeployment process to ensure no opportunities are missed.
If a temporary contract is being ended, managers should ensure, where appropriate, that an employee is registered for redeployment as soon as possible. Contracts will not be extended to accommodate this.
In a potential redundancy situation, the redeployment process will last until the end of any statutory notice period.
How to do a redeployment search contains more information.
Redeployment applications↑
Employees will apply for posts directly using the normal recruitment and selection process on myjobscotland. Employees can sign up for job alerts and details relating to this are included in How to do a redeployment search.
Services must consider all redeployment applications. Where a candidate has indicated they are a redeployee, they must be treated as a priority candidate and their application must be considered in full before shortlisting any other candidates.
If the redeployee meets the essential criteria of a post they should be considered for the post as a priority interview. If only one redeployee applies, an informal chat can take place rather than a formal interview. If more than one redeployee applies and meet the criteria it should be progressed as a formal interview between both redeployees. Falkirk Council employees should be considered as a priority before any Modern Apprentices or Graduates.
Where a manager doesn't progress with an application from a redeployment candidate it should be managed in the same way as a GIS candidate. This means that justification for the decision must be made in writing to the redeployee and must be clear as to which essential criteria the redeployee does not meet.
It is important to note that this information may be required, for example, if a case were to progress to Appeals Committee or an Employment Tribunal. The reason(s) should be discussed with their HR Business Partner before issuing. Where possible, justifications should contain detailed and constructive feedback as this will be shared with the redeployee to assist with future applications.
Details of the process relating to GIS candidates, which should also be followed for redeployees, can be found at How to shortlist for interview.
Work trials↑
If a manager wishes to progress an application from a redeployee, they can offer them a work trial. This is a two-way process which gives the redeployee and the recruiting manager time to decide whether the new job is suitable and to explore how any concerns/issues could be resolved. A redeployment work trial will last 4 weeks although this may be extended where the recruiting manager feels that this will not allow for a reasonable period of assessment. The extension should be for no more than 2 weeks.
More information on setting up work trials and who covers the cost of these can be found in How to implement and support work trials.
During the trial period, the redeployee will remain on the grade and terms and conditions of their substantive contract of employment, funded by their original Service. A redeployee will not be expected to work more than their contracted hours during a work trial, however, in cases where a redeployee is moving into a post with more hours, this can be discussed with the employee if they wish to agree to the additional hours. Any additional hours worked will be paid for at the rate of the new post and paid for by the incoming Service. If the work trial is for less than the contracted hours the redeployee and substantive manager should agree how the balance of hours will be managed.
Redeployment outcomes↑
There are 2 possible outcomes at the end of the redeployment search:
Successful redeployment
If the employee is offered an alternative post, the substantive line manager must complete the necessary changes through HR Forms Plus for an employee leaving post. The new manager will then process the new start paperwork for adding the employee to their team.
Letters will be issued from Staffing & Recruitment Team. It is therefore important to ensure that Redeployment is noted as reason for new post so the appropriate wording can be included, particularly in relation to a temporary post.
In situations where the employee is redeployed into a temporary post, they will be eligible for a further period of redeployment before the end of the temporary contract. The new temporary/recruiting manager will be responsible for ensuring the redeployee is registered for redeployment at the relevant time.
There will be no personal pay protection where the new post is graded lower than the substantive post but placing within the new grade will take account of personal learning needed for the post and the spinal column point placing of peers in the team. Redeployees accepting a lower graded post or lower hours should be made aware of the pension implications. In some situations a Certificate of Protection of Pension Benefits can be requested however advice should be sought from the Pensions team on this.
Any permanent employee who is redeployed to a temporary post will retain their right to be redeployed to a permanent post with Falkirk Council should that become available but will have no right to return to their substantive post. This will be noted in the offer of any new post. In these circumstances, the manager of the temporary post will have management responsibility for the employee and will submit a further request for redeployment when required. Any further period of redeployment will be for a maximum of 12 weeks before the end of the temporary contract. This does not apply where the employee was temporarily redeployed on health grounds to facilitate a return to their substantive role.
Unsuccessful redeployment
The substantive manager should review progress midway through the redeployment period. If the redeployment search is failing to secure an alternative post, they should ensure they proactively manage this process. If no progress is being made, they should seek advice from the HR Business Partner. If a formal hearing is being considered, they may begin preparation of a capability report before the end of the 12 weeks.
At the end of the redeployment period, where no suitable alternative post is identified, the substantive manager must meet with the redeployee to discuss the next steps. If appropriate, a formal Hearing may be scheduled.
In cases where a permanent employee has been redeployed to a temporary post and no further work is available, it will be the responsibility of the new manager to progress the redeployment process and the next steps.
To ensure flexibility and continued support, following the end of the recognised redeployment period and whilst their case is being managed eg capability process, the employee may still apply for posts that are advertised. They should ensure their manager is updated on any progress of applications during this time. An employee will still be given the same level of priority for any applications during this time.
Employees should only be referred back for a further period of redeployment in exceptional circumstances and any decision relating to this should be clearly documented. Any extension to the redeployment search would normally be for a maximum of 6 weeks.
Temporary employees↑
Temporary employees with over 2 years' service who have been redeployed to a further temporary post will be offered a redeployment search for up to 12 weeks before the end date of the most recent temporary contract.
Where no suitable alternative post is identified the redeployee will be given notice in line with their contract and they will remain in the redeployment process until the end of their notice period.
Roles and responsibilities↑
Roles and responsibilities of those involved:
For redeployment to be successful, it is important that employees fully engage and co-operate with the process. To get the best from this process employees need to be proactive and open minded. Employees are expected to:
Complete and submit an application for any post they are interested in.
Attend meetings/be available for calls as requested to discuss the redeployment process.
Be realistic about whether redeployment is an option.
Regularly check Falkirk Council vacancies on and identify posts they consider as possible suitable redeployment options.
Be committed to looking for suitable alternative employment both within and outwith Falkirk Council.
Be flexible in the redeployment search and consider temporary posts and those graded at a lower salary.
Consider short term temporary assignments, for example temporary cover arrangements as a way to increase skills and experience.
Undertake relevant online training available on OLLE.
Seek any support as required for completing an application form or in attending interviews.
Substantive managers
Meet with the employee as soon as redeployment is identified as appropriate, to explain the process and agree whether redeployment is a realistic option for them.
Confirm the redeployment details to the HR Helpdesk for reporting purposes.
Continue to manage the employee in line with relevant procedures where applicable for example Managing Sickness Absence Policy, Capability Policy, Temporary Employment Policy etc.
Maintain regular contact with the employee during the redeployment search to provide support. This should take place at least every 2 weeks.
Liaise with relevant HR Business Partner throughout the process to seek advice and guidance as required and act promptly in line with relevant procedures where a redeployment opportunity is not identified.
Provide support to employees who are unable to access online systems.
Recruiting managers
Must consider any applications from suitable employees in the redeployment process who meet the essential criteria for vacancies within the team, including temporary posts.
If an application from an employee in the redeployment process meets the essential criteria, recruiting managers must meet/interview this applicant(s) in advance of considering other applicants. Consideration of other applications will include shortlisting and/or invitation to interview.
Provide support to employees using agreed action plans for training.
Carry out any necessary recruitment checks before confirming appointments.
Review any work trials being undertaken within the team.
Notify HR Helpdesk of any redeployment cases being managed and outcomes at
Human Resources
Maintain the Council's Redeployment Register which will be used for reporting purposes of number of cases and outcomes.
Assist managers throughout the process to ensure that all procedural and legislative requirements are met.
Provide support to employees, on request, for completion of application forms and interviews, support if they do not have access to online systems, as well as general queries on the redeployment process.
Support to employees and managers↑
Whilst the Redeployment process will be a self-serve approach, support will be available to employees and managers throughout all stages of the process and will include:
General queries
Employees or managers can contact the HR Helpdesk for any general queries relating to the process:
Myjobscotland queries
Employees or managers can contact Staffing & Recruitment Team for any queries relating to registering for the myjobscotland vacancy alerts:
Preparing for an interview
Help and support is available from the Organisational Development Team in relation to preparing for an interview. If a redeployee would like some help in how to prepare they should contact the OD team:
The Recruitment & Selection Training on OLLE will include a section about Redeployment and managers should review this to familiarise themselves with relevant actions.
This policy is effective from October 2023.