We are committed to the principles of equal pay and to ensuring that these are applied to all employees through the use of fair and transparent working practices and systems which are based on objective criteria in line with the requirements of Equality Act 2010.

This policy provides a mechanism for the review of jobs and ensures that we retain an appropriately trained, motivated and rewarded workforce as well as complying with the law and good practice.

The Job Evaluation policy and procedure is for all SJC & Craft employees. All job evaluation requests will be assessed using the 3rd Edition of the SJC Job Evaluation Scheme. Teacher's job evaluation and appeals are dealt with through SNCT conditions and job sizing.

Job evaluation requests

We will consider job evaluation requests on the following grounds:

  • Implementation of an approved Council or Service review/restructure
  • An approved vacancy management recommendation eg the creation of a new post/redesign of an existing post(s)
  • A substantial and material change in duties/role as agreed by the line manager

Before submitting a grading request, the line manager should initially consult their HR Business Partner to clarify the role and demands of the post as well as any potential impact on other posts. This is to ensure all relevant information is considered prior to a formal grading request being submitted.

Trade Unions should also be involved in discussions prior to grading where there is a re- structure/creation of a post that has an impact on employees.

Job evaluation request process

The line manager should submit their formal grading request to the HR Rewards Team via the grading mailbox (grading@falkirk.gov.uk), following relevant discussions with their HR Business Partner. The HR Rewards team will provide support and guidance as to whether a post requires to be graded or can be matched to an existing post.

With the exception of matching, all requests must be accompanied with a Job Evaluation Questionnaire. The Job Evaluation Questionnaire is a national document and can be found on the Pay and benefits page. This must be used for the submission of a grading request. It is important to provide as much information as possible on the Job Evaluation Questionnaire as incomplete questionnaires may delay grading requests. The HR Rewards Team can support with this.

Wording lifted directly from the Job Evaluation Scheme will not ensure that a factor level is amended. Specific examples of tasks undertaken are required to ensure consistent application of the Scheme.

New/vacant posts

The line manager should complete a job evaluation questionnaire and submit this along with a job profile to the HR Rewards Team. A job evaluation interview will also take place with the line manager using the online software. This will produce a Job Overview, which will be issued to the line manager for comment. Once completed, the Overview, along with the relevant grading documentation (including original job evaluation questionnaire) will then be signed by the manager and Service Manager before being returned to the HR Rewards Team.

If a Service Manager post is being graded, this should be signed by the relevant Chief Officer. A final copy of the Job Profile should also be submitted.

Existing posts

Employees have the right to request a re-grading of their post where there has been a substantial change in their duties. If the line manager disagrees that there is a substantial change in duties, the employee will have the right to raise the matter with the relevant Chief Officer within their Service. It will be the responsibility of the employee to demonstrate that the post has significantly changed.

When the manager agrees that there has been a substantial change in the duties, they must submit a Job Evaluation Questionnaire, only completing the factors that have significantly changed. Any submission should be in consultation with the employee to ensure they have the opportunity to input to the process. A copy of the agreed amended job profile, highlighting the changes should accompany the questionnaire.

The HR Rewards Team can assist managers in developing or updating the job profile. On receipt of the documents, a job evaluation interview with the relevant employee(s) will be arranged. In situations where there is more than one employee in post, a maximum of 5 employees can participate in this process. The HR Rewards Team can help with selecting employees.

The employee(s) may be accompanied by their Trade Union Representative. Following the evaluation of the post the employee(s) and manager will be given a copy of the Job Overview for comments which will be taken into consideration by the Grading Group.

Matching posts

If the post being evaluated is the same as one in another part of the Council it can be matched.

When considering a post for a match, the changes will be minimal and in the main will relate to a function/department change or job title change. This is only appropriate where the post is vacant and no employees are involved.

A tracked copy of the new job profile should be sent to the HR Rewards Team, highlighting the specific changes to determine if a match is appropriate. In this situation, there is no requirement to complete a job evaluation questionnaire.

The tracked changes job description will be submitted to the grading group for approval.

Job evaluation consistency checking

As part of the grading process and prior to submission to grading group, consistency checking will be undertaken to review any proposed grading to ensure there are no anomalous results. Inconsistent and anomalous results will be discussed with the line manager.

Job Evaluation Grading Group

The Grading Group is made up of officers of the Council and Trade Union representatives and their role is to assess and agree job evaluations. They may refer any questions or points of clarification back to the Service and employee(s) for further information and reconsideration by the Grading Group.

The Grading Group will meet regularly throughout the year to consider evaluations.

Job evaluation principles

The following are general principles for the management of all job evaluation requests:

  • No post will be considered for grading review on the grounds of comparison with other posts internal or external to Falkirk Council
  • All evaluations will be approved by the Job Evaluation Grading Group prior to a post being advertised for recruitment purposes or re-grading of a current post holder
  • All members of the Job Evaluation Grading Group and Job Analysts will be appropriately trained
  • Wording directly lifted from the Job Evaluation Scheme will not ensure that a factor level is amended. Specific examples of tasks undertaken are required to ensure consistent application of the Job Evaluation Scheme
  • A Job Profile is required as part of the process

Job evaluation outcome

The line manager will be notified of the outcome from the Grading Group within 5 working days. This will be documented on the Grading Outcome Form and issued by the HR Rewards Team to the relevant Service.

Any grading awarded under the Job Evaluation policy and procedure requires to be approved by the relevant Service Director before it is implemented. In cases where a post title covers more than one service, the Director of Transformation, Communities & Corporate Services must approve the grading outcome.

Where the post is currently occupied it is the responsibility of the Service to advise the employee in writing of the outcome of the job evaluation review. This correspondence should be issued and uploaded to My View within 10 working days of the approved Grading Outcome Form being approved. Where relevant, the post and salary should be amended using HR Forms Online.

The post holder will move to the new grade and salary of the post with effect from the date of the approved Grading Outcome Form. If the grade of the post increases as a result of the appeal, employees in post will be placed on the bottom SCP point of the new grade. If the grade of the post decreases as a result of the appeal, employees in post will be placed on the top SCP of the new grade unless this creates an equality issue. Where necessary and EIA will be completed.

Pay Protection

If a grade for a post reduces there will be no pay protection.


Any employee submitting a Grading Appeal will need to complete the following paperwork:

What When
Initial appeal request - an email to grading@falkirk.gov.uk advising the post that is being appealed Within 10 working days of receiving the grading outcome
A Grading appeal form must be completed to include a summary of what factors are being appealed and what level is being sought and why. Line manager comments also need to be completed before the form is submitted. Any additional supporting evidence should be submitted with the form. All information should be sent to grading@falkirk.gov.uk. Appeals will be held twice a year. On receipt of an appeal request, the HR Rewards Team will notify the employee of the next Appeal Panel date and the date that the paperwork is required.

Employees may be assisted by and have the right to be accompanied to the Appeal Hearing by an independent Trade Union Representative. Employees are encouraged to discuss their appeal with their Line Manager and Trade Union Representative prior to submission of their paperwork.

Grading appeal form
Word Document, 30.68 KB

Appeal panel

The appeal panel will be made up of 2 Managers (Service Manager or Chief Officer) and 2 Trade Union Representatives. A Chairperson will be nominated and the panel must be objective and trained. Panel members must highlight any previous involvement in a particular case or any potential conflict of interest prior to the appeal starting. The Panel must be independent.

An officer from the HR Rewards Team will present the job overview and outcome. The post holder's line managers should also attend the hearing to answer or clarify any areas relating to the duties and responsibilities of the post.

Appeal hearing

The employee has the option to choose to attend the appeal hearing to present their case or to request that the panel give consideration to the case presented based on the appeal form and paperwork submitted. A Trade Union representative can accompany the employee and present the case on their behalf.

The Chairperson will:

  • Introduce those present
  • Ensure those attending understand the procedure which is to be followed during the hearing
  • Ensure that those addressing the Panel restrict their arguments to relevant issues related to the admissible grounds for their appeals
  • Record deliberations and decision making process
  • Ensure the employee has a fair hearing
  • Close the hearing and ensure the employee understands how and when they will be notified of the results

The employee or their Trade Union representative will present their case, after which they may be asked questions by members of the Panel. The Chairperson should remind the employee, and their representatives, that the panel members have read the written submission in advance, and advise the employee to emphasise key points in their case.

The job evaluation overview and outcome will be presented by a representative from the HR Rewards Team, following which the panel will have the opportunity to ask questions. The line manager should also attend to provide clarity relating to the duties and responsibilities of the post.

The employee, or their representative, followed by the job evaluation representative will then be provided with an opportunity to briefly summarise the key points of their case. No new evidence should be brought forward at this time. The parties will then be asked to withdraw to allow the Panel to deliberate in private and decide whether the employee’s case:

  • Is upheld and supported by agreed evidence
  • Is partially upheld
  • Is not upheld

Before closing the hearing, the Chairperson will:

  • Confirm whether or not the employee considers that they have had a fair hearing
  • Advise the employee of the next step in the process
  • Advise the employee that the panel's decision and the outcome of their appeal will be notified in writing

The panel will operate on the basis of discussion and consensus agreement, and may seek additional information to assist them in reaching a decision. If necessary, the panel will re-convene (without attendance of the employee, their representation or job evaluation representative) once clarifying information has been provided.

There will be no voting on any appeal. If the panel fail to agree, the initial assessment stands.

Where there is a disagreement between the employee and the appropriate line manager in relation to a matter of accuracy, the facts will be verified in an appropriate way. Where necessary, the panel will adjourn and re-convene at a suitable time.

Where the panel considers there to be no admissible grounds of appeal, the appeal is rejected and the employee will have no further opportunity to make representations to the Appeal Panel.

Appeal outcome

The Chairperson of the Appeal hearing will write to the employee to advise whether the appeal has been upheld, partially upheld or not upheld within 20 working days of the hearing.

It is not the responsibility of the panel to determine a factor level. The Appeal Panel can only agree whether a factor re-evaluation needs to take place based on evidence presented by post holders at the appeal hearing.

Where the Panel consider the case to be upheld or partially upheld, the agreed supporting evidence will be forwarded to the HR Rewards Team, who will be responsible for re-evaluating the factor(s)/post.

Consistency checking will also be undertaken to review the outcomes of all appeal results to ensure that there are no anomalous results. Inconsistent and anomalous results will be referred back to the Appeal Panel with an accompanying report for consideration before any results are notified to employees.

Any re-evaluation will be submitted to the Grading Group for review and approval as per the normal process. Grading groups are scheduled in advance each year.

Re-evaluation outcome

Where a re-evaluation has taken place as a result of the Appeal, the Service and employee will be advised of the outcome. The outcome will be notified by the HR Rewards Team once the post has been reviewed by the Grading Group. The Grading Outcome Form will be issued to the manager within 5 working days of this meeting.

If the grade of the post changes as a result of the appeal, the Grading Outcome Form will follow the same approval process as noted in the Job Evaluation Policy. The manager will be responsible for notifying employees of the outcome of the re-evaluation and arranging for the relevant correspondence and HR Forms changes to be made.

The effective date of any increase in grading and pay as a result of an appeal will be in accordance with normal job evaluation approval process and will be implemented from the date the Grading Outcome Form is approved by the relevant Service Director. If the grade of the post increases as a result of the appeal, employees in post will be placed on the bottom SCP point of the new grade. If the grade of the post decreases as a result of the appeal, employees in post will be placed on the top SCP of the new grade unless this creates an equality issue. Where necessary and EIA will be completed.

This policy is effective from August 2019.