This notice provides details of what information we collect from you, what we do with it, and who it might be shared with.

Identity and contact details of the controller and the data protection officer

Falkirk Council is the data controller. You can contact the data protection officer at:

Data Protection Officer
The Foundry
4 Central Boulevard, Central Park

Frequently asked questions

  1. Table of contents

Why do we collect this information?

The information is being collected for the following purposes:

  1. The assessment and administration of Free School Meals (based on national eligibility criteria set by Scottish Government)
  2. School Clothing Grant (a local scheme with criteria set by Falkirk Council)

We administer both of these schemes together, using a single application form.

The legal basis for each purpose is set out below:

Legal basis Purpose
Performance of a contract  
Legal obligation 1
Vital interests  
Task carried out in the public interest 1, 2
Legitimate interests  

The main statutory provision is the Education (Scotland) Act 2016.

What information do we collect about you?

We need to gather your personal data to allow us to assess your children's eligibility for Free School Meals and Clothing Grant.
We collect the following information about you (the applicant);

  • Your name
  • Your National Insurance Number
  • Your partners name
  • Address
  • Contact details
  • Income
  • Bank details

We also collect information about your children

  • Name
  • Date of birth
  • School they attend

We also keep copies of your communications with us, and our responses.

Where do we collect information from?

We collect the information we need to assess your entitlement directly from you when you complete your application form. To verify the information you give us, we also check other information held by Falkirk Council about you - If you receive Housing Benefit or Council Tax Reduction, we use the information about your income from your claim to assess your entitlement.

Who might we share your information with?

We share information about your child’s eligibility for Free School Meals with their school, so they can receive their entitlement. We also share your information with SEEMiS Group LLP, which is an Education Management Information System provider. This is to enable us to administer your application, and make payments to you. Your personal data may be used internally within Falkirk Council departments to seek to maximise benefit support for families.

The Council also has a duty to protect public funds. We may check your information within the Council for verification purposes and/or for the prevention of fraud. We may share your information with other organisations where we are required to do so for the purposes of the prevention or detection of crime. This includes the information you provide in relation to your household, and your income.

Do you use any automated processes to make decisions about me?

Yes – we use automated decision making tools to assess our applications. A data protection impact assessment was carried out to ensure the protection of individuals data.

Will we send your information outwith the UK?

We do not transfer your information outwith the UK. If we were to make such transfers, it would only be with appropriate safeguards.

How long do we keep hold of your information?

We keep your information as long as required by law or by our business requirements. We have a Business Classification Scheme in place which sets out the types of records we hold, and how long we hold them - you can access the relevant part of the scheme below.


Do I have to provide my personal data to you?

You do not have to provide us with your personal data. However, if you do not we will be unable to assess your children’s eligibility for Free School Meals and Clothing Grant.

What are my rights in relation to the information held about me?

You have the following rights:

  • To see any information held about you by making a subject access request.
  • To withdraw consent at any time, where the legal basis for processing is consent.
  • To data portability, where the legal basis for processing is (i) consent or (ii) performance of a contract.
  • To request rectification or erasure of your information, where data protection legislation allows this.

Do I have a right to complain about the way information has been used?

If you have a concern about the way we are collecting or using your personal data, please let us know and we will try to resolve this. If you are still concerned, you can contact the Information Commissioner:

Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House, Water Lane
or if you prefer to use a national rate number:

This notice was last updated in November 2019.