If you are over 60 and need care and support at home, you may wish to consider moving to a Housing with Care property. These homes will allow you to live with extra support, with other people with similar needs around you.

We have a number of Housing with Care properties. Some local Housing Associations have similar schemes.

Housing with Care is sometimes known as sheltered housing.

There are three levels of Housing with Care:

  • Level 3 - Individual flats or houses, with extra safety and security features such as the Mobile Emergency Care Service (MECS) available to those who wish to use this service.
  • Level 2 - Individual flats or houses, with additional features such as a communal lounge and laundry facilities, lifts and CCTV.
  • Level 1 - This is the highest level. This has the same facilities as Level 2 complexes, but meals are prepared for service users on site and served in a communal dining room.

How do I apply?

If you would like to be considered for Housing with Care, you will need to complete our housing application form. Please make sure you tick the box on this form to tell us you want to be considered for Housing with Care.

If you have an enquiry regarding someone who lives in one of our complexes please call the complex direct on the numbers listed on the Housing with Care complexes page.

Frequently asked questions

  1. What happens next?
  2. Do I have to apply online for homes?
  3. When will I get a property?
  4. How many properties will I be offered?
  5. How do I apply for a Housing with Care home with a Housing Association?
  6. Can I take my pet?
  7. Can I apply if I am not over 60?
  8. Are there other options for older people?
  9. Can I get extra help?

What happens next?

We will contact you for more information about your health, the support you currently get, and how you manage around your home. We will use this information to decide which level of Housing with Care is most suitable for you.

Do I have to apply online for homes?

Our Level 3 Housing with Care properties are advertised weekly through Homespot. You will need to follow the Homespot application process.

Level 1 and Level 2 properties are not advertised through Homespot. When a Level 1 or 2 property becomes available, we will match it to an applicant whose needs match the property best. We will let to the applicant with the highest level of need, not who has been on the list the longest.

When will I get a property?

We try to match properties to people who are in the highest level of housing need first. Housing with Care properties can be limited, and we have a high demand in some areas. Unfortunately, we are unable to say when we will be able to offer you a property.

How many properties will I be offered?

We can make you up to two offers of housing. If you refuse both of these offers, we will have to carry out another assessment of your needs to make sure we have identified them correctly.

How do I apply for a Housing with Care home with a Housing Association?

There are several local Housing Associations who provide housing for older people with support needs. Please contact them directly.

Housing Associations can let some of their empty properties to us. This means we may be able to offer you one of their properties. We will contact you if we can do this.

Can I take my pet?

Most Housing with Care properties do not allow pets. If you would like to take your pet with you, you should check with the landlord before accepting a housing offer.

Can I apply if I am not over 60?

If you are not over 60 but your partner is, we can consider your joint application based on their support needs. In some cases, we can consider applications from people who are not over 60 but have support needs. Please contact us if you think this applies to you.

Are there other options for older people?

We also provide general needs housing which may be suitable for you. Some of our properties have been adapted for specific needs. We advertise these properties weekly through Homespot. Adapted properties will be clearly marked.

Can I get extra help?

We can provide you with more help and support if you need it. This can be in your current home, or in a Housing with Care property.

Care in your own home is provided by Social Work Services. You can discuss your needs with your local Social Work Office.

You may have to pay for some services. Help can be provided through: