Having difficulty getting around your house because of health or mobility problems?
Getting special equipment, altering your home or moving to a more suitable property may make living at home easier for you.
If you are a council tenant, you can make some simple adaptations without a formal assessment of your needs.
For additional information email us:
Alternatively, you can contact us via telephone (option 2, option 3, option 3):
If you are a home owner who can fund the adaptions yourself, you can get help and advice from the care and repair service.
For more complicated adaptations, you will need to request an assessment of your needs through Social Work.
Simple adaptations for Council Tenants
We can arrange for some simple adaptations, such as rails and outside lights, to make your home safer.
Grab rails
If you tend to use your radiator or towel rail to pull yourself up or steady yourself at the toilet, a grab rail can be fitted to make this safer for you.
Internal banister rails
If you need extra support to go up or down stairs within your home, a banister can be fitted. If needed, banister rails can be fitted on both sides of the stairs.
External handrails
Handrails can be fitted at your steps if you need extra support outside the house. Handrails can be fixed to a wall or freestanding, so they can be fitted at most steps.
External lights
A light can be fitted at your front door if you have difficulty getting around outside, or have poor sight, and the access to your house is not well lit.
Lever taps can be fitted to your kitchen sink, bath, and wash hand basin if you find it difficult to turn ordinary taps on and off. A different handle can also be fitted to the toilet to make it easier to flush.
We will try to complete your adaptations as soon as possible, usually within 4 weeks. Outside rails may take longer because they are individually made to fit your steps. Please contact your local Advice and Support Hub or fill out a 'Request for minor adaptations in a Falkirk Council property' form.
- Downloads
Request for minor adaptations in a Falkirk Council property
PDF file, 211.7 KB
Adaptations for home owners
To get funding assistance for major adaptations, you must have an assessment of your needs carried out by our social workers.
If you would like to fund work yourself, please contact the care and repair service who can help you through the process.
Adaptations for Private Landlord Tenants
You should discuss any possible adaptations with your landlord before contacting the care and repair service.
Adaptations for Housing Association Tenants
Please speak to your landlord to find out if they will carry out simple adaptations. If they can't do the adaptations you want, you will need to have an assessment of your needs carried out.