Drinking alcohol in public areas such as the street or in local parks can often be a nuisance to local communities and their residents.
To reduce alcohol related nuisance and disorder, all councils in Scotland have alcohol byelaws in place. The Falkirk Council byelaws were reviewed and new byelaws are in place from 31 August 2018.
Under the byelaws, it is illegal to drink alcohol in certain public places across the Falkirk Council area.
- Downloads
Falkirk Council (Drinking Alcohol in Public Places) Byelaws 2018
ODT file, 12 KB
Alcohol prohibition areas
- Airth
- Avonbridge
- Blackness
- Bo'ness
- California
- Dunmore
- Falkirk Villages and Towns
- Limerigg
- Loan and Muiravonside
- Skinflats
- Slamannan
- Standburn
- Torwood
- Whitecross