Falkirk Community Planning Partnership is required by the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 to publish a Local Outcomes Improvement Plan that identifies the greatest inequalities for Falkirk's residents, and how we plan to tackle them.

The Falkirk Plan was developed between October 2020 and October 2021, during which time there was a review of local data, an extensive period of engagement with local residents, and a review of local policy and projects that impact the issues that were found. The Falkirk Plan was approved by the Community Planning Board on 14 October 2021.

The Falkirk Plan

The Plan aims to have achieved the following outcomes by 2030:

Theme 1: Working in Partnership with Communities

  1. Communication with communities is improved.
  2. Community-led organisations are stronger and more independent.
  3. More decisions are made together at a local level.
  4. Social, community, and economic planning focusses on place, and reflects the needs and aspirations of the people that live there.

Theme 2: Poverty

  1. People of all ages have equal opportunity to access digital services and have the skills and confidence to safely participate online.
  2. Children and young people have equal access to participate.
  3. Individuals and families affected by poverty have access to joined-up, multi-agency support services, and know how and where to access them.
  4. Fewer people struggle with the costs of food, fuel, and transport.

Theme 3: Mental Health and Wellbeing

  1. There are fewer deaths due to suicide.
  2. Children and young people's mental health services are well-resourced and have reduced waiting times.
  3. People struggling with their mental health can access support early in their journey, and services will adopt a whole-person approach.
  4. Fewer people struggle with feeling socially isolated or lonely.

Theme 4: Substance Use

  1. There are fewer drug-related deaths.
  2. Families affected by substance use are enabled to overcome issues related to stigma which prevents access to support.
  3. Fewer young people choose to use substances.
  4. There is reduced stigma related to substance use.

Theme 5: Gender-Based Violence

  1. Interventions for those experiencing, or at-risk of domestic abuse are early, effective, and inclusive.
  2. Victims of domestic abuse receive a joined-up offer of help until they are supported to safety.
  3. Front line staff have an increased awareness of issues related to gender-based violence.
  4. Men who carry out violence against women and girls are identified early and supported to change their behaviour.

Theme 6: Economic Recovery

  1. More wealth is retained within local communities and economic growth is inclusive.
  2. Following the declaration of a National Climate Emergency, the Partnership is leading Falkirk's contribution to Scotland's target to be net-zero by 2045 through a focus on green recovery.
  3. People have equal access to education, training, and employment that supports the local labour market.

If you have any questions or want to speak to someone about the Falkirk Plan, please contact:

Related Links

Evaluation of the SOLD Plan

The Falkirk Plan replaces the Strategic Outcomes and Local Delivery Plan (SOLD), which was in place from 2016 and 2020.

SOLD Evaluation 2020


The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment is a data review of local needs which was used to develop the Falkirk Plan.

Falkirk JSNA

Community Engagement

Community Engagement was carried out between April and June 2021, and formal consultation on the draft plan took place between 31 August and 29 September 2021.

Falkirk Plan - Report of engagement