Bo'ness town centre regeneration
The harbour and foreshore area of Bo'ness was the location of many of the town’s
traditional industries.
Although it has lain derelict for many years, the site offers investment opportunities that can benefit the whole town.
The original regeneration plans for the harbour and foreshore were postponed due
to the economic downturn. However, as the economy improves, we have had some interest in new retail development.
The area’s industrial past means that the cost of regenerating the area is high.
These costs continue to have a significant impact on the area's future developments.
Bo'ness Townscape Heritage Initiative
Bo'ness town centre has benefited from a £5 million investment through the Townscape Heritage Initiative (THI). This investment will help the town's economic regeneration.
The aim of the THI is to repair and restore historic buildings, like the beautifully restored Hippodrome cinema. The Hippodrome was reopened in April 2009 and shows a wide variety of films to suit every age and taste.
There are a number of architecturally important buildings in Bo'ness town centre.
These have helped the area gain Outstanding Conservation Area Status.
Improvements have been made to town centre pavements, surfaces and kerbs in the main shopping areas of North Street and South Street to the Seaview Roundabout. This work was carried out as part of our capital programme which was supported by award from the Scottish Government's Town Centres Regeneration Fund.