If you have previously received planning permission, the permission has not expired, and you would like to change a minor detail, we may be able to deal with the change as a non-material variation.
The fee for a non-material variation application is £230. This is charged per request and there is no guarantee that the non-material variation will be approved.
Examples of non-material variations may include changes to the materials, or a change in the dimensions of a window. If the change is significant, we will not be able to approve the non-material variation. The amendment would instead need to be reviewed as part of a planning application.
The variation application can only be made by the original applicant, or someone acting with their consent (this includes successors in title to the land in question). If you are not the original applicant, the application should be accompanied by written confirmation from the original applicant giving their consent.
A copy of all drawings which clearly show the proposed variation should be submitted. These drawings must be conducted to the same standard and scale as would be acceptable for the original application.
If the change is considered acceptable as a non-material variation, we will write to you confirming this, and we will place a copy of the drawings on the planning portal. These drawings will then constitute the approved drawings for your planning permission.
To guide you in whether to submit an application for a non-material variation or a new planning application, we have set out some general criteria we use when assessing a variation.
The varied scheme:
- Must still comply with the Development Plan.
- Does not require Listed Building or Conservation Area consent.
- Does not involve a material change of use requiring planning permission.
- Does not require the deletion or alteration of conditions imposed upon the original scheme.
- Does not require the imposition of additional planning conditions, in order to make it acceptable.
- Does not require further neighbour notification.
- Does not conflict with a change to the originally approved scheme, or conditions imposed upon the originally approved scheme which were required to mitigate a material impact identified through third-party representations made on the original proposal.
- Does not, within housing developments of 10 or more houses, relate to the following matters:
- any additional house plots
- alternative house design such as a change in house type
- changes that require the modification of the road layout
- changes that lead to a significant change in finished floor levels of the house
- changes that require the movement of a house by more than 1m in any direction; and
- changes that require the removal or relocation of open space, landscaping or other above ground infrastructure.
- The scale of change which can be considered as non-material will vary depending on the scale of the originally proposed development.
The approval of requests for non-material variations are at the discretion of Falkirk Council.
How to apply
All requests must be made in writing using our online form:
NB- Due to server restrictions a maximum of 10 files, with a combined size no greater than 19MB maybe submitted through our online form. In the instance where either the total file number, or combined size is reached, please email these direct to us on dc@falkirk.gov.uk quoting the reference number provided at the end of the form. If the file size on an email is breached (approx. 10MB) please send this over in further emails, which are clearly labelled.