Bullying is someone being deliberately hurtful to others over a period of time either physically, verbally, or emotionally. Bullying can happen anywhere, to anyone, regardless of disability, age, gender, race, religion or sexual orientation.

Sending abusive or bullying text messages, emails or social media messages are new versions of bullying. They can replace or add to other forms of bullying.

Other forms of bullying include:

  • Scribbled notes
  • Graffiti on walls
  • Abusive telephone calls
  • Name calling
  • Physical violence
  • Ignoring
  • Stealing or damaging belongings
  • Demanding money or possessions

It is important to be on the lookout for signs of bullying. Children and young people who are being bullied should be encouraged to report any incidents to a trusted adult.

If your child is being bullied, please talk to your child's school and give them as much information as possible, including the dates, places and names of children involved. All incidents of bullying will be investigated and staff will try to deal quickly, effectively and sensitively with every incident of bullying.

The school will work with you, your child and the child displaying bullying behaviour to resolve the situation. Children who bully must be given the opportunity to hear about and face up to the pain, hurt, distress and anger they have caused to others. Punishment does not help to repair relationships and can result in further retaliation.

If you child is displaying bullying behaviour, please talk with staff at your child's school.


Promoting Positive Relationships in Falkirk's Educational Establishments