Header image for article 6496

All non-emergency internal housing repair, planned maintenance work and inspection visits will be suspended until further notice. This will be effective from Tuesday 24 March 2020.

We will be focusing our available resources on the following areas:

  • Emergency repairs, including gas appliance maintenance and servicing
  • Void properties to provide additional temporary accommodation
  • Essential disabled adaptations to support those discharged from hospital
  • Legislative works including gas servicing

In addition to concentrating on homelessness temporary accommodation, we're also helping colleagues within the Health and Social Care Partnership to meet the developing health emergency by providing property services to support hospital discharges.

What is considered an emergency repair?

In the current circumstances emergency repairs are considered to relate to circumstances where there is a real danger to life; major damage to the property, flooding or your home is insecure. Some examples include a serious water pipe leak; no heating or hot water; total failure of electrical supply or insecure property.

Repairs on household with self-isolation cases

Prior to attending any emergency, we will establish if anyone in the household is self-isolating. If the answer is yes then the service will still attend the appointment and carry out work but it is important that the person (or persons) self-isolating are in another room and remain there for the duration of the visit. All operatives are following NHS best practice guidance in relation to hand hygiene and PPE.

This action is necessary to help prevent the spread of Corona virus and to protect our tenants and employees. We will continue to monitor the position and provide further updates as appropriate.