Beancross Primary School

Beancross Primary School is a non-denominational primary school situated in the town of Grangemouth, which is approximately 4 miles to the east of Falkirk. The school provides education from nursery to primary 7.

P1 enrolment

The start date for the 2025-2026 school year is 13 August 2025.

For entry to Primary 1, parents should submit an online enrolment form. Forms will be accepted from 01 November – 31 December each year for entry to school the following August.

Please see our School places and admissions page for more information.

Enrolment form

Early Learning and Childcare

Early Learning and Childcare is available for 5 days per week – term time. Each session is 6 hours usually aligned to the primary school day eg 9am to 3pm (+/- 15 mins).

Children are provided with a healthy snack and a 2 course lunch during each session.


Young children learn new things every single day no matter where they are but we know that spending time in a high quality early learning and childcare setting can really boost their all-round development and learning.

You can find out more about early learning and childcare in Scotland by visiting the Parent Club.

The Parent Club have a number of helpful pages:

Bus timetables

Skinflats - Grangemouth Primary Schools (service 188)

The under 22 pass CANNOT be used on this service.


Route Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Skinflats 8:32am 8:32am 8:32am 8:32am 8:32am
Grangemouth Old Town 8:35am 8:35am 8:35am 8:35am 8:35am
Grangemouth Charing Cross 8:40am 8:40am 8:40am 8:40am 8:40am
Oxgang Road 8:45am 8:45am 8:45am 8:45am 8:45am
Sacred Heart Primary School 8:50am 8:50am 8:50am 8:50am 8:50am
Beancross Primary School 8:55am 8:55am 8:55am 8:55am 8:55am


Route Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Beancross Primary School 3:15pm 3:15pm 3:15pm 3:15pm 3:15pm
Sacred Heart Primary School 3:20pm 3:20pm 3:20pm 3:20pm 3:20pm
Oxgang Road 3:25pm 3:25pm 3:25pm 3:25pm 3:25pm
Grangemouth Bo'ness Road 3:30pm 3:30pm 3:30pm 3:30pm 3:30pm
Grangemouth Old Town 3:35pm 3:35pm 3:35pm 3:35pm 3:35pm
Skinflats 3:38pm 3:38pm 3:38pm 3:38pm 3:38pm

Bus service operated by Dewar Coaches (01324 629275).

Find it
Find: School holiday dates
School terms and holiday dates
Pay for it
Pay: School meals and expenses
Pay for school meals and expenses via iPayimpact

See also

Contact us

Mr Andrew Watson
Head Teacher

Beancross Primary School
Kenilworth Street