Maddiston Primary School
Temporary school arrangements↑
Where will my child be going to school now?
Following the decision to temporarily close the school, we identified other schools that have the capacity to accommodate groups of Maddiston Primary School pupils.
Although there are other Primary Schools within the Braes Cluster, these schools did not have available space.
- Maddiston Primaries 1, 2 and 3 including composite P3/4 will go to Wallacestone Primary School
- Maddiston Primaries 4, 5 and 6 will go to Bantaskin Primary School (one class will also be located at Windsor Park School, co-located on the same site)
- Maddiston Primary 7 will go to Braes High School
- The Timezone and P1BM will go to Carrongrange High School (1 class) and Moray Primary School (4 classes)
Did you not think about utilising the local community centre or local halls?
Given the scale of the required repairs (which will take until at least August 2025 to complete), and the need to provide Maddiston pupils with a continued education in a suitable environment, the most appropriate option was to use available spaces in other schools.
How long will the repair work take, and when will pupils return to their school?
It is anticipated the work will take until at least August 2025. The temporary arrangements will continue for as long as is required.
Will transport be arranged for pupils attending different schools?
All pupils in all classes will be provided with free transport to and from their host school. Specific arrangements will be confirmed by the Headteacher at Maddiston Primary School.
What support will be in place to help children settle into their temporary schools?
The staff will provide reassurance to the children during this transition period and time will be taken to familiarise them with their new school environment and areas they will access. Children will be supported by an adult closely during the first few days to ensure they become familiar with their new routines, including how they access the transport to and from school.
How will school transport be arranged and who is eligible?
All children will be provided with transport to their host schools. For the children who are currently transported to school, this will be diverted to their host schools. Further details regarding the arrangements for accessing the transport will be sent home from the Head Teacher of Maddiston Primary School.
Will the school day remain the same in the temporary schools?
The Head Teacher at Maddiston Primary will provide details of the transport and school day times for each host school. Consideration has been given to how each school can work most effectively together and this will likely result in staggered breaks, lunches and school days. Every effort is being made to ensure the length of the school day remains the same to maximise learning opportunities for all children.
Will pupils have access to the same after-school clubs and activities?
Clubs that are currently running at Maddiston Primary School will not run at the present time due to the new transport arrangements. It would be hoped that once these new arrangements are embedded and children are settled, that opportunities for extracurricular activities will be available.
What arrangements are in place for wrap around childcare services?
First 4 Kids, who currently run after school provision at Maddiston Primary School, have made plans for alternative provision.
Will there be an opportunity for parents to visit the temporary schools?
Due to the short timescales and the priority to ensure children return to school, there will not be an opportunity to visit the host schools prior to them starting. The school will arrange for photos/information to be sent home once the children have started. For the children who attend the Timezone, social stories, photos and further information will be sent home to allow families to prepare the children for the move.
Will pupils be able to return to visit their school before it reopens?
Once a date to return to Maddiston Primary is identified, work will take place to prepare the children for this. Visits can be organised to re-familiarise children with the school environment although there will be no anticipated changes to the layout of the school.
Impact on pupils and learning↑
What happens if my child has additional support needs – will they still get the same support?
Current staff will be deployed across the host schools and every school will have a member of the School Leadership Team in the building. Work is currently underway to identify the classes and individuals where support will be prioritised. All children will have their own class teachers, and appropriate support staff, who know the children well and will continue to plan for progression in their learning.
Will my child be with their friends and usual teachers in the temporary school?
All classes from Maddiston Primary School will remain in their current class groupings and will have the same class teacher/s that they are familiar with and who know them well. Where there are opportunities that would be beneficial for them to meet pupils from the host school then this will be facilitated. The Maddiston Primary School senior leadership team will spend their time working across the host settings and will continue to be available for staff, pupils and families. Whilst classes from across Maddiston Primary School will not all be in the same setting, work has taken place to minimise the number of different schools the children will be hosted in. Support staff will be allocated across the host schools and those children who require particular support will be planned for.
What happens if my child has siblings at the school, will they be placed together?
Classes have been allocated to different host schools in order to keep similar ages and stages together. This will allow for shared opportunities and effective use of resources. We understand this may result in siblings being in different schools. However, by providing transport for all children, families will not be required to attend different schools at the start and end of the day.
Will my child's education be affected moving to a different school?
All required resources are being moved to ensure the children have access to everything they need to continue to engage in their learning. All staff are working hard to ensure there is minimum impact on the children’s learning.
How will the learning experience be maintained during this disruption?
When the children are in their temporary schools, they will all have an allocated classroom or learning space with all relevant resources to support their learning. The schools will work together to timetable shared learning spaces to ensure the children can engage in all areas of the curriculum across the school week. Once the children have settled in to their new classrooms, their planned learning will continue as normal.
Will class sizes increase in the temporary schools?
Class sizes will remain the same during the relocation to different schools. Children will remain in their current class group with their current teachers.
Will school lunches and free school meals still be provided at the new schools?
The normal arrangements will be in place for children ordering and eating school lunches. For those pupils who are entitled to free school meals, this will continue. Any information regarding dietary requirements will be passed to the catering staff in each school. Specific arrangements for children attending Braes High School will be communicated directly to those families. All children will be provided with a free school meal for the first week in their new school to ensure any new arrangements are communicated to families.
How can we help our children adjust to these changes?
The staff who are working with your child will support the transition and will ensure that the children’s health and wellbeing is a focus during their time in school. The school will ensure that communication is ongoing and that you are notified of the details you require to prepare your child for attending their temporary school.
Practical concerns for parents↑
My child is being relocated to a school which is far away. What if something happens during the day and I am unable to drive?
All children in all classes will have transport provided for them to and from school. Schools will deal, as normal, with any issues that arise during the course of a day taking account of the change in circumstances and location.
Reason for school closure↑
Why was the school open before but it is now closed?
After Storm Eowyn caused damage to the school, investigations were carried out and safety measures put in place to ensure the school could still be used safely, addressing the risks and hazards that were known to us at that time.
As the investigations continued, parts of the building's structure were exposed, revealing further issues with the stonework. We had no knowledge or evidence of these wider issues prior to Tuesday 18 February.
At all times during the investigation safety measures were put in place to ensure the safety of pupils, staff and visitors. When the wider issues were uncovered, the decision was made to close the school as the best way to ensure pupil safety while the necessary building work is carried out.
What exactly is wrong with the school building?
There are concerns over the external fabric of the building including stonework and masonry facades identified following detailed intrusive investigations after the storm damage. Given the scale of the required repairs, we are advised this will take until at least August 2025 to complete.
Why was the decision made to close the school so suddenly?
The extent of safety measures now required (fencing, removal of outdoor spaces, construction traffic, etc) to enable the repair work to be carried out are significant and cannot be carried out without major impact to the operation of the school. In terms of ensuring the safety of pupils, staff and visitors the appropriate course of action was to close the school until remedial works are progressed.
Decision making and communication↑
Why were parents not informed of the decision to close the school until late on Tuesday 18 February afternoon?
Parents were informed as soon as was practically possible following a meeting between the Education Senior Leadership Team, colleagues in Place Services, and Chartered Structural Engineers.All parents and carers were issued with a text message and a letter via Groupcall.
What assurances can you give that the school will be safe when it reopens?
We are being advised by Chartered Structural Engineers and a contractor will shortly be appointed to oversee the project.
How will parents be kept informed about the repairs and plans for pupils?
Regular communication will be sent from the Council and the school to ensure everyone is kept up to date with progress and to ensure you continue to feel involved in your child’s school and learning. Parents can continue to contact Maddiston Primary School’s school office (lines are being diverted) for daily communication.
How can parents raise concerns or ask further questions?
We will continue to issue communications and update this page regularly. If you have questions about arrangements for your own child, the normal procedures should continue and contact should be made directly with the school.
Maddiston Primary School is a non-denominational primary school, which is situated approximately 3 miles from Falkirk town centre. The school provides education from nursery to primary 7.
We have an enhanced facility which allows us to support pupils with additional support needs.
There is a Breakfast Club before school starts offering a healthy balanced breakfast.
The start date for the 2025-2026 school year is 13 August 2025.
For entry to Primary 1, parents should submit an online enrolment form. Forms will be accepted from 01 November – 31 December each year for entry to school the following August.
Please see our School places and admissions page for more information.
See also↑
Contact us↑
Claire McGlynn
Head Teacher