Industry and public safety
The safety of the community has always been a priority for us. We prepare and maintain plans to deal with hazards and threats to our communities and the environment. This is a legal duty under the Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations.
The petrochemical industry retains a significant presence in Grangemouth and there are extensive Whisky Bonds in Bonnybridge. We also have an extensive network of underground pipelines conveying both gases and liquids.
Although accidents and emergencies are extremely rare, we, along with industry and our partners, aim to make sure any incidents are dealt with quickly and effectively.
Gas pipelines
The Pipeline Safety Regulations 1996 requires us to prepare an emergency response plan for major accident hazard pipelines passing through the Falkirk Council area. The plan sets out actions that are required to minimise the impact of a pipeline emergency on the environment and the health and safety of local communities.
In an emergency
An illustrated leaflet and emergency instruction card are delivered to households and businesses in Grangemouth (in the FK3 postcode).
These leaflets can also be downloaded from the MICC Grangemouth website.
The Grangemouth sirens test takes place on 1st Wednesday in June at 7pm, 1st Wednesday in December at 2:30pm.
You can familiarise yourself with the warning system siren noise below:
- Downloads
Grangemouth MICC community warning system test
MP3 file, 1.7 MB
Advice on safety and what to do in the event of hearing the PIZ siren is delivered to all residents and businesses within 180m of site. You can download this information below.
- Downloads
Safety advice for the community
PDF file, 134.1 KB
- Downloads
What to do if you hear a public warning siren
PDF file, 54.2 KB
The siren test takes place on the second Saturday of February each year between 10am and 4pm.
Emergency evacuation
The emergency evacuation of houses will only happen in extreme circumstances.
If the police ask you to leave your home, don't argue. They will ask you to go to a place of safety. If you decide to go somewhere else, let them know so you can be accounted for.
Don't worry if you have additional support needs, the services carrying out the evacuation will make arrangements for you.
If there is time you should take along medicines, warm clothes, any special foods and personal documents. If you have pets you should take their food, baskets and leads with you.
If you have time, you should make sure that fires are out, your water, gas and electricity are switched off and your property is locked up.