Severe weather can disrupt our daily lives.
The Met Office helps you keep up to date with the latest
weather forecasts and warnings. For advice on what to do in severe weather,
you can view the Met Office's
weather warnings guide.
For advice on travelling in severe weather, please visit
Ready Scotland. Live travel information is provided by
Traffic Scotland.
Severe weather can cause disruption to utility providers.
Ready Scotland provides advice to make sure you are prepared for the loss
In an emergency
If advised to take shelter within your home or building
- Go in, stay in and tune in to Central
FM on 103.1
- Close all doors and windows, shut down all ventilation and air conditioning systems
and block obvious draughts
- Extinguish all flames - for example, pilot lights
- Get out your home emergency kit
- Do not try to collect your children from school unless told to do so
- Listen for public announcements and do not go outside until you are told to do so
- Listen for public announcements
For more information about preparing for severe weather, please visit
Ready Scotland.
Emergency evacuation
The emergency evacuation of houses will only happen in extreme circumstances.
If the police ask you to leave your home, don't argue. They will ask you to go to
a place of safety. If you decide to go somewhere else, let them know so you can
be accounted for.
Don’t worry if you have additional support needs, the services carrying out the
will make arrangements for you.
If there is time you should take along medicines, warm clothes, any special foods
and personal documents. If you have pets you should take their food, baskets and
leads with you.
If you have time, you should make sure that fires are out, your water, gas and electricity
are switched off and your property is locked up.