All residents in off-gas villages should have received a letter giving an update on the progress made and the plans that are in place to improve the energy efficiency of their homes.

These letters were issued in 2022 with a further letter sent in July 2023.

  1. Table of contents

Alternative heating systems

Gas heating

The gas infrastructure project is detailed below.

Village SGN Start Date Gas connection date (SGN) 2024/25 Gas Heating Installs 2025/26 Heating Installs
Whitecross Nov-23 May-24 98
California Nov-23 Apr-24 66
Letham Nov-23 Apr-24 36
Avonbridge Nov-23 Sep-24 99
Slamannan Nov-23 Apr-25 189
Total 299 189

The process to install the infrastructure will take approximately 2 years to complete. You can stay up to date on the Falkirk Gas Main Extension project on the SGN Website.

Following the installation of the pipeline into the villages, we will then arrange for gas heating to be installed into homes (if this is the preferred heating choice).

Green energy system

The green energy system has been installed in:

  • Blackness
  • Limerigg
  • Standburn
  • South Alloa
  • Torwood

The green energy system chosen, for villages where there is no gas supply, will be an Air Source Heat Pump (ASHP) heating system, supported by solar panels, also known as photovoltaics (PV) and battery storage.

Installation of this change was carried out in 2 phases and is now complete.

Phase 1

  • Blackness
  • Standburn
  • South Alloa
  • Torwood

Phase 2

  • Limerigg

A phase 3 for around 120 tenants who have chosen this system from the July 2023 mailshot will be programmed in for 2024-2025.

Servicing and maintenance of wet heating systems

A contract to carry out an annual service for all properties with an electric wet heating system commenced last year, however, this was delayed primarily due to the Covid-19 pandemic and contractor resources. This contract started again in February 2022.

Our contractor, Neat Heat, will contact tenants directly to arrange a suitable date and time to carry out the service. Any reported faults or repairs to the system will continue to be carried out on a responsive basis.

Financial support for tenants

Falkirk Council

We provided a one-off payment of £100 to off-gas households in receipt of Council Tax Reduction.

Eligible households received a letter informing them of this support and we contacted these households directly to arrange payments. 427 off-gas households were identified as being eligible for this payment and we were able to contact and arrange payments for 371 of these households.

Debt (including fuel debt)

If you have any debt, including fuel debt, please get in touch with our Debt Advice Team. They can make referrals to the Home Heating Support Fund with the aim of clearing any fuel related debt and provide support for managing future energy payments.

Welfare benefits

If you would like assistance with a welfare benefit enquiry, please contact our Welfare Benefits team:

Welfare Benefits Team

Social Security Scotland

There are a number of new benefits that are paid by Social Security Scotland, such as the Child Winter Heating Assistance. To find out if you are entitled to any of these new benefits, contact Social Security Scotland:

Social Security Scotland

Scottish Power

Scottish Power has a Hardship Fund for customers with debt. This is controlled by Social Enterprise Direct, and all decisions are made independently of Scottish Power. To find out if you would qualify for this Fund please contact, in the first instance a recognised Debt Advice agency such as National Debtline on 0808 169 8780 who will advise you how to apply.

Scottish Power also have support for Prepayment Customers via their Hardship Voucher Scheme. This will allow a payment of £49 during the winter months and £30 in the summer months up to a maximum of 3 payments in a 12-month period. Repayment of the credits is not necessary via the Debt Recovery setting on the meters.

If you would like to contact Scottish Power to discuss your bill or ask about financial support, please contact them:

Other financial help that may be available

If you are worried about your finances, we would urge you to seek help from our Advice and Support Hubs, Community Advice Service or the Citizens Advice Bureau.

Winter Fuel Payment

Payment of either £100 or £300 to help pay your heating bills. This is paid automatically to those who qualify.

For more information see GOV.UK: Winter Fuel Payment.

Winter Heating Payment

Payment made if the average temperature in your area is recorded as, or forecast to be, zero degrees Celsius or below over 7 consecutive days. You'll receive £25 for each 7-day period where the weather is very cold between 01 November and 31 March.

For more information see GOV.UK: Cold Weather Payment.

Windows and door programme

Priority for replacement windows and doors has been given to our tenants living in off-gas villages and areas where homes have lower energy efficiency performance; to assist tenants who are struggling with their fuel bills.

* Letham is considered a conservation area and the windows and doors will be replaced as part of a separate project.

Further information can be found at Window and Door Replacement Programme.

Housing Operations Role

The front-line Housing Officer plays an crucial role in communication with tenants. For this reason, the local Housing Operations Teams will be included in future discussions on the project and regular internal communication will take place between the Property & Asset Team and Housing Operations Team to keep front-line officers fully informed.

Colleagues in the Housing Operations Teams should be given details of the action plan that supports the ‘Alternative Heating Supplies to Off-Gas Villages’ project, along with details of the generic email address and telephone number to provide tenants/customers with.

Energy Efficency Improvement Plans