We have recently drafted a Local Housing Strategy (LHS) for the period 2023-2028. The LHS is a key strategic document which sets out the outcomes and actions that the Council will aim to achieve over the next 5 years. It is based on evidence contained within our Housing Need and Demand Assessment, developed in collaboration with stakeholders.

The LHS was also developed through extensive engagement of as wide a range of local residents, tenants and communities of interest as possible.

Local Housing Strategy 2023-2028
LHS Summary
Housing Need and Demand Assessment
LHS Consultation Report
LHS Monitoring and Evaluation Framework
Childrens' Rights Assessment
Digital Housing Strategy Executive Summary
Equalities and Poverty Impact Assessment
Falkirk’s Strategic Housing Investment Plan 2024-2029
Health Inequalities Impact Assessment
Housing Contribution Statement accessible
Housing Supply Targets paper
Strategic Environmental Assessment
Tenant and Customer Participation Strategy

The previous Local Housing Strategy 2017-2022 including all actions can be found below:

Local Housing Strategy 2017-2022

Frequently asked questions

  1. Do local authorities have to develop a Local Housing Strategy?
  2. Is there guidance for a developing a Local Housing Strategy?
  3. What happens after a local housing strategy is developed?
  4. How does a Local Housing Strategy relate to national priorities?
  5. What are the key priorities or outcomes in the Local Housing Strategy?

Do local authorities have to develop a Local Housing Strategy?

Yes, it is a legal requirement under the Housing (Scotland) Act 2001.

Is there guidance for a developing a Local Housing Strategy?

Yes, the Scottish Government have developed guidance which can be found on their website: Scottish Government: Local Housing Strategy Guidance

What happens after a local housing strategy is developed?

It must be approved by the full council and the Scottish Government. The strategy must meet the Scottish Government Local Housing Strategy criteria.

Our current Local Housing Strategy was approved by the full council in October 2023 and was approved by the Scottish Government in February 2024.

How does a Local Housing Strategy relate to national priorities?

It sets out how we will locally provide affordable housing to meet national targets.

What are the key priorities or outcomes in the Local Housing Strategy?

We will ensure that we:

  • Make the best use of existing and new housing to tackle local housing needs.
  • Provide advice and information on affordable housing options to help people access housing and to prevent homelessness.
  • Help older people and those with disabilities to make informed housing choices and any required adaptations to their home.
  • Provide housing support and other services to help people live independently.
  • Tackle fuel poverty and improve the condition of our existing housing stock.
  • Manage rented housing effectively and efficiently.