The Council has a requirement to maintain its stock to the Scottish Housing Quality Standard (SHQS).
The Scottish Government also introduced a new Energy Efficiency Standard for Social Housing (EESSH) which is aimed at reducing carbon emissions and eradicating fuel poverty. The EESSH sets a minimum Energy Efficiency rating for landlords to achieve for their properties. The target date to achieve the first milestones within the EESSH was 31 December 2020.
To ensure this standard is maintained, we hold comprehensive information on the condition of all of our properties. This is used in our Housing Asset Management Plan. This also includes future investment plans to ensure that the condition of our housing stock is maintained to specified standards.
- Downloads
Housing Asset Management Plan 2019-2024
DOCX file, 4.1 MB
The impact of SHQS and EESSH is considered as part of identifying priority work within the Housing Investment Programme.
- Downloads
Housing Investment Programme 2024-2027
DOCX file, 8.8 MB
The works involved include:
- External fabric replacement programmes
- Windows and doors replacement
- Central heating installation
- Insulation improvement measures
- Kitchen and bathroom replacements
- Electrical works
- Estate improvements
- Priority area improvement
- Health and safety
The Housing Investment Programme also includes other work, such as:
If your home is being upgraded we will tell you about it as far in advance as possible.
If you would like more information about the planned improvements of council houses, please contact your local One Stop Shop/Advice and Support Hub.
Temporary accommodation
We will offer you temporary accommodation if your council house is going to be modernised, or have major repairs carried out that would make it impossible for you to continue to live there while work is taking place.
This is called "decanting". If we have to decant you, we will discuss this with you first.
We will try to meet all your housing needs, but it may not be possible to keep you in the same area or type of house. You will move back into your council house once the work is completed.
We will help you with the move. We may be able to reimburse some of your costs, such as the redirection of your mail.
You will need to contact your own suppliers for services such as the television and the internet. Staff at your local Advice and Support Hub can give you advice on how to do this.