Parental Employment Support Fund (PESF)

Are you an unemployed parent who meets any of the eligibility criteria below:

  • Lone parent
  • Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic
  • Youngest child under 1 year
  • Parent aged under 25
  • Disabled parent
  • Parent with 3+ children

PESF is voluntary and offers person-centred help for parents to look at their barriers to progressing into work.

This might include:

  • Support to gain a qualification
  • Help with improving skills or work experience
  • Money advice
  • Motivational support
  • Self-employment support
  • Access to affordable childcare
  • Enhanced key worker support
  • Health and well-being support

To be eligible for PESF, you need to be in one of the target groups, have the right to live and work in the UK and need some support with getting into work.

If this is you, or anyone you know, contact the Employment and Training Unit to find out more:

Employment and Training Unit

We have created a directory with local parents, of the ASN support services available in the Falkirk area:

ASN directory of support available