Falkirk Council Community Empowerment Grant Update

The Community Empowerment grant programme has been a huge success with 38 grants being awarded to a range of local groups seeking funds to deliver new or enhanced services within their communities.

A Summer Recess for the grant programme will be put in place commencing Wednesday June 19 until Wednesday July 31 to allow the Community Partnership Team to finish administering successful grants and establishing priorities for the next phase of the grants programme. During this period groups will not have the opportunity to submit applications, however, all eligible applications received prior Wednesday 19 June will be reviewed and considered by the awards panel.

In the interests of fairness and equity any grant applications received during the recess period will be returned to the relevant organisation/ individual with an update on the next phase of the programme to follow.

Further communication in respect of the grant programme will be posted on Falkirk Council's website week commencing Monday July 22.

If you require any additional information, please direct all enquiries to spf.communities@falkirk.gov.uk

A £300,000 grant program designed to support community groups and third sector organisations.

The Community Empowerment Fund (part of the broader Shared Prosperity Fund or SPF) is a community capacity building initiative that aims to boost local projects across the Falkirk area.

Falkirk Council will administer the scheme and offer support to groups to apply for funding in three areas:

Start-up Grants

Non-constituted groups, new groups, or those in the early stages of formation can apply for this grant. The purpose is to assist with initial start-up costs, such as bank account setup, hall hire, and developing a constitution. Maximum Award: £2,000.

Small Grant

Constituted groups seeking support for sustaining or developing their group/service can apply for this grant. It helps overcome barriers to growth and development. Maximum Award: £8,000.

Community Asset Transfer (CAT) Grant

Groups undergoing or planning to begin the Community Asset Transfer (CAT) process can apply for this grant. It covers costs associated with CAT, such as legal fees and expert advice. Maximum Award: £12,500.

Application forms will be available in paper form in local libraries and community centres as well as applying online with the application form below. This can be returned to spf.communities@falkirk.gov.uk

Once submitted, it is expected that a decision will be made within eight weeks by an Approvals Panel, comprising representatives from the Community Planning Partnership, Falkirk Council, and the Voluntary Sector.

Successful recipients will be invited to participate in capacity-building activities alongside Falkirk Council and CVS Falkirk. This collaborative effort aims to boost each project's potential, ensuring long-term viability and growth.

The fund is open until March 2025.

Any questions or enquires please contact spf.communities@falkirk.gov.uk

UKSPF Community Empowerment Grant Programme

Falkirk Council and Community Planning Partners operate a UKSPF grant that supports community activity and events focused on:

  1. Community action plans
  2. Poverty and inequality
  3. Arts and heritage
  4. Climate and community safety

The table below lists the Start Up and Small Grant funding received by local groups in the period 2023/2024.

Grant type  Organisation  Award Community &
Event area
Small Grant Scottish Seniors Computer Club £4,692.00 1, 2, 4
Small Grant Grahamston Bowling Club £4,696.00 1, 2
Small Grant Denny Community Support Group £6,920.00 1, 2
Small Grant Polmont Community Council £8,000.00 1, 2, 4
Small Grant Friends of Scottish Settlers £8,000.00 1, 2, 4
Small Grant  Tamfourhill Community Hub £8,000.00 1, 2, 4
Start Up Home2Hospital £1,890.00 1, 2
Small Grant GEM in Grangemouth £6,840.00 1, 2, 4 
Start Up Cradle To Crayons £2,000.00 1, 2
Small Grant Roots £4,882.12 1, 2, 4
Small Grant Falkirk Vineyard Church/ Love Falkirk £8,000.00 1, 2, 4 
Small Grant 93rd Braes Scouts £8,000.00 1, 2
Small Grant Westquarter Community School Project £7,414.00 1, 2, 4
Small Grant Tuesday Club £4,000.00 1, 2, 4
Small Grant Home2Hospital £8,000.00 1, 2
Small Grant Reddingmuirhead Community Hall £2,841.20 1
Small Grant Parzenica Polish Folk Dance Group £8,000.00 1, 3
Small Grant Dennyloanhead Community Hall £8,000.00 1