Would your community project benefit from some funding? Do you have an idea that will change communities in and around the Falkirk area for the better? If so, then apply for funding through our Small Grants from the Community Grant Scheme.

Our Small Grants aims to support community groups and voluntary organisations to deliver projects that will make a difference to people living in the Falkirk Council area.

Our priorities for community grant funding are People, Place and Partnership:


We will fund projects that foster good community relationships between people. Projects working with people who are disadvantaged or with protected characteristics are more likely to be successful particularly if the application can provide evidence of how people are coming together to improve relationships between people and communities. For example, a sports or arts club encouraging the participation of minority ethic people, or a community group organising an event or activity that is specifically targeted at reducing the impact of discrimination and disadvantage.


We will fund projects that encourage people to take pride in their community. Projects that clearly set out the history or culture of the community they are celebration are more likely to be successful. For example, community walks or notice boards celebrating the history or the cultural heritage of a community.


Projects that support the Council's approach to early intervention by providing services so that people can live full, independent, and positive lives. For example – groups that work with older people to prevent social isolation and loneliness are likely to be successful under this heading.

How much you can apply for

The Small Grants can offer support up to a maximum of £5,000 within any single financial year.

Normally towards community-based group projects that can usually be completed within one year.

How your application will be assessed

Applications will be assessed on the following areas:

  • The project meets one of our 3 priorities listed above
  • What difference your project will make to people
  • Who your project is targeting and how many people will benefit
  • Previous funding awards have been appropriately used
  • The project is inventive

Tips for success

  • We are more likely to fund your project if you focus on providing facts and evidence on one priority rather than across all 3 priorities.
  • Demonstrate as clearly as possible how your project involves and/or benefits local communities living in the Falkirk area.
  • We're more likely to fund your project if you can show that it could either benefit a lot of people, or a small group of people in a big way.
  • Please ensure that you read all the information available on the website, and your submission follows the guidance we have provided.
  • We welcome ambitious and creative applications, but please make sure that your application demonstrates feasibility – be realistic in what you can achieve.
  • Include as much detail as possible about your costs and how they will allow you to deliver your project.

What we will not fund

  • Any political or religious activities.
  • Projects that benefit people from outside Falkirk.
  • Laptop computers.
  • Payment to individuals including support for fundraising events.
  • Any goods or services that you buy or order before we confirm our grant.
  • Activities or projects from which Falkirk Council funding has been withdrawn or to replace a shortfall in a Council budget or to meet increase in charges for Council facilities. This grant cannot be used to replace any other Council funding.
  • Projects that are more appropriately funded by other sources of Council funding (ie recreational or sporting projects are more likely to be funded by the Community School Charity Fund as they specifically support these type of activities).
  • Activities related to food provision.
  • Routine maintenance or repairs.
  • Routine running cost (salaries / electricity / rates / rent / insurance / transport / etc).
  • Applications from schools.
  • More than one application per group, in the financial year (March – April).
  • Private individuals or businesses.

When you can apply

You can apply at any time and a decision will usually be made within 2 months from receipt of your application.

What you'll need to know and have ready

  • The organisation/groups Bank/Building Society account details.
  • If you are a new organisation or group, we will need of copy of your constitution or set of rules.

How to apply

The Small Grant is currently closed.