You can use our benefits calculator to find out what benefits you can claim for.

If you need help to claim benefits or you are turned down, please contact us:

Please note that it may take up to a week for our Welfare Benefits team to contact you, possibly longer during busy periods. If you require assistance with an application for Universal Credit, this may mean that you lose money, as Universal Credit cannot be backdated prior to the initial date of application. If you are unable to wait, you may wish to contact your local Jobcentre, or visit

* Monday to Friday: 10am - 12pm and 2pm - 4pm

If you need guidance on how to connect to a video call or are having problems call us on 01324 503063.

We offer video conference appointments to all of our clients. If you would like an appointment with an adviser please follow the link to our online referral or contact us on the telephone number below. Once an appointment has been set up you will be given a link to join the video conference.

Community Advice Services – Welfare Benefits

If you use a Minicom, please call:

Our service is free, confidential, impartial and independent. We can answer most questions over the telephone, but we can arrange a meeting if that would be better.

We'll help you:

  • decide on which benefits you can claim
  • claim the right benefits so you are getting all the money you can
  • sort out problems with your claim
  • appeal against a decision that you think is wrong

What kind of benefits do we mean?

You may be able to claim from a wide range of benefits. We can help you find which is right for you, for example:

Welfare benefits guide

The Welfare benefits guide is for practitioners, staff working with families and individuals, to show what benefits are available to young people, adults, parents, older people, and those with a disability.

Cost of living

Food, energy and fuel costs are increasing and more than ever, families and individuals need support.

There's a wide range of benefits and help you or someone you know may be entitled to, and we can assist you in getting to these quickly and easily.

Cost of living support - how we can help has more information.

Our energy grants page lists all the ways you could get help with fuel costs and fuel debt.

Debt Advice

If you're worried about debt or are struggling to manage your money, the Debt Team can help.

How we've helped

Our Welfare Benefits service helps Falkirk Council residents claim benefits. See how we have helped.