Child Disability Payment provides support for the extra costs that a disabled child might have.

Who can apply?

If you are a parent, carer or appointee, you can apply on behalf of a child who is older than 3 months up to 16 years old. The child must have lived with a disability or long term health condition for three months or more and it is expected to continue for at least 6 months, unless they are terminally ill.

You can apply if the child's disability has not yet been diagnosed. It could be a health condition, where the child has care and support needs, mental, emotional or physical disabilities or behavioural development issues.

How are the payment rates calculated?

The payment rate is based on 2 parts - care and mobility:

  • Care component reflects how much looking after a child needs.

  • Mobility component reflects the level of help a child needs to get around.

Care component

There are 3 weekly rates for care:

  • Lowest - £28.70
    The child needs some help and support for a significant part of the day
  • Middle - £72.65
    The child needs frequent help and support during the day or at night
  • Highest - £108.55
    The child needs help and support during the day and at night

Mobility component

There are 2 weekly rates for mobility:

  • Lower - £28.70 (for children aged 5 and over)
    For children who need supervision or guidance when moving around outdoors
  • Higher - £75.75 (for children aged 3 and over)
    For children who cannot walk, have difficulty walking, or have a severe visual or mental health disability

When will the payment be made?

If successful, the child's first payment will be calculated from the date the first part of your application was submitted online/telephone or received by post.

Child Disability Payment is paid every 4 weeks in arrears. It will be paid into the account you give as part of your application.

What if your child already gets Disability Living Allowance for children from the DWP?

You do not need to apply for Child Disability Payment.

Social Security Scotland will write to you when they are ready to transfer your child from Disability Living Allowance for children to Child Disability Payment.

This will happen automatically – you will not need to do anything and you will continue to get the same amount of money.

How to apply

Text Relay Service (for the hard of hearing)
British Sign Language users