Our family mediation service aims to prevent young people aged 15 to 25 years from becoming homeless.

We can work with children younger than this depending on the issues involved. We can also work with families where the child has already left home.

Our specially trained family mediators offer you help to try and resolve your issues. This could lead to improving the relationship, allowing the household to remain together or providing support for the young person if they choose to live independently.

Family Mediation gives parents and young people the opportunity to discuss any issues they may have in a safe and confidential environment. Meetings can take place in the family home or at an agreed neutral venue.

Our specially trained mediators can help your family communicate better, understand each other and resolve differences in a calm, constructive and positive manner.

Getting help early can prevent you becoming homeless. Our Prevention Team can also help if you are worried about losing your home.

Frequently asked questions

  1. What happens in family mediation?
  2. How long does mediation take?
  3. Is mediation confidential?
  4. Is mediation legally binding?
  5. Is mediation the same as counselling?
  6. Will I feel pressure into agreeing something I don’t want to do?
  7. What is the point in mediation, we will never agree?

What happens in family mediation?

Our specially trained mediator and intervention officers will meet with you either together or separately in order to gather information regarding issues of concern and to get both sides of the story. Once this has been done and both parties agree to mediation, further meetings will take place with the intention of reaching a resolution between both parties.

How long does mediation take?

The number of meetings and how often they are held depends on a number of things, such as how complicated the issues being discussed are. We also rely on everyone involved attending the meetings.

Is mediation confidential?

Yes. Confidentiality will only be broken if there is a risk of harm to anyone involved, or there is a disclosure of criminal behaviour.

Is mediation legally binding?

No. Mediation is a voluntary process. It is the responsibility of everyone involved to keep to any agreement made.

Is mediation the same as counselling?

No. Mediation is there to help you look at and sort out issues once a relationship has broken down or is in danger of breaking down.

Will I feel pressure into agreeing something I don’t want to do?

No. Mediators do not take sides, they are there to provide encouragement and to make sure everyone involved is given equal opportunity to have their say. You are in charge of the decision making.

What is the point in mediation, we will never agree?

The attendance of a trained mediator can make a big difference to the kind of conversation you can have. There is nothing to lose by trying a different approach.