We are regularly audited and inspected by external agencies such as Audit Scotland. Here are the most recent audits and inspection reports.

The Accounts Commission is the public spending watchdog for local government. They carry out audits to ensure councils are held to high standards. They provide reports every year for each council, the last three are available for you to read here:

Audit Scotland - Falkirk Council Annual Audit 2020-21

Every five years, a deeper audit, called a 'Best Value Audit' is carried out. Falkirk’s last Best Value Audit was carried out in 2016. We are about to undergo a new Best Value Audit over the course of the next few months and a new Best Value Audit Report will be published in December 2021 or January 2022.

The Best Value Action Plan 2022 sets out the actions the Council will take to embed new processes and ways of working and thinking that will fundamentally change and improve how it functions.

Best Value Action Plan 2022

Many of our services are regulated by eternal bodies, who inspect and hold councils to account. These can be found here: